Monday, August 4, 2008


Why do some people feel like they always have to be negative? This irritates me so much. There's this one person who always makes me feel like an inferior mother. What really gets me is this person doesn't have kids! BUT whenever we discuss things going on w/Matthew...she always makes me feel like a horrible mother or like I'm not doing a good job. I know I shouldn't let it get to me BUT when you hear it on almost a daily basis it tends to where down your defenses, etc. Her latest(again) is on Matthew still cosleeping w/us for part of the night. ARGH!!

No offense to anyone BUT please for those of you who have an opinion on cosleeping....PLEASE keep it to yourself! We know that it's not always the best thing for the child(or the parents) BUT it does work for us(as well as others we've talked to).
We do appreciate all advice that's given to us but not when you "belittle" what we are doing as well.

I was asked by my aunt if we knew what we are having yet & if we'd already picked the name.
No, we don't know yet. I have my next ultrasound in two(2) weeks & that's when I am 18 weeks along. There's a chance she can tell us then BUT it can also be a "false" reading. If told it's a boy at that point...pretty much guaranteed it's a boy. If told it's a girl at that could be true or it could be a false reading. Boy "parts" don't always fully "drop"(develop) until week you can be given a false reading before then(I have friends who have gone thru this experience).
As for names.....girl= Savanna Jo(definite/set in stone); boy= Luke Austin(possible/not set in stone though).