Friday, February 27, 2009


Haven't had time 'til now. I'm going to post some of our pictures from when my uncle & aunt came to visit as well as my sister & her boys.
In order; Hazel & Luke; Aunt Naomi & Luke; Daddy & Luke; Melody, Ryan, Tyler, Matthew & Luke; Dad, Uncle Derwood & Luke; & last but not least..Uncle Derwood, Aunt Carolyn & Luke.
I am trying to get better about pictures & posting them as well as emailing them. The emailing part is a little harder because the overall system gives me problems sometimes allowing the pics to be sent. Hopefully the "bugs" will be worked out soon & it'll be a snap like it used to be.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Well Wayne finally knows what it's like to be with the kids & have one being super cranky & the other fine except when "starving". Matthew was having a really bad day yesterday. He was super cranky. I'm not sure if he was just over tired or if it's from his teeth that are coming in. BUT now Wayne has seen first hand what I go thru on a daily basis....not that Matthew is super cranky every day...just on occassion.
Both boys are down for a nap. I must be crazy to still be on the computer when I could be sleeping too. LOL!!! But it's also my soap opera time(YES!!! I am addicted to them I always am when I'm off work for any amount of time).
I'm going to be working up a learning schedule for Matthew. He's already smart...knowing a lot of words that most kids his age don't know. I wish I had an extra $200....there's a learning program for kids ages 3 months to 5 years called Your Baby Can Read. It's a wonderful program!!! I want to do something like it w/Matthew.
Well by the sounds I'm sounds like Luke may be about ready to eat again.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


My "boss" & friend Judy w/the boys. Matthew was not sleepy...just in motion at time of the picture.
Below: They may be a little hard to see....Patti did a great job....made them like announcements!!!

I am tired today. Matthew got up an hour & a half earlier than normal....guess he was excited that his PaPa & Ninnie Rippel were coming to get him for breakfast. I took the opportunity to clean the house while he was gone....though it's been like 3 & 1/2 hours & they aren't back yet. I'm guessing they planned on keeping him longer than just breakfast(wish I'd been told about that...I've been hanging 'round the window waiting to do stuff because I'm afraid I won't be home or available when they bring him home). Oh well, guess he'll be home soon enough...better enjoy the "freedom" of just one child(who's not running around) while I can.....LOL!!!
We signed up for new we're just waiting to see if we were approved. We had to find new because our insurance was/is thru my job & we won't have it anymore once I quit(no, I still haven't quit yet).
My friend, Patti, sent us some wonderful creations(above) she did with the pictures she took of Luke at the hospital. They are just adorable.
My boss came to the house on Wednesday to see the boys. She is the first non-relative to come see them. I've added the pics of her w/them above as well.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


What a week it has been!!
My dad & Hazel came over on Tuesday. They took the boys & me out to lunch. We had a very nice time. Then that night...Matthew slept in his "bed"(playyard in our room) for the entire night. Boy were we all excited about this!! Wednesday brought along Matthew's second haircut. He did a very good job sitting there. I even had the girl "sneak" in a trim for me too. We hoped & prayed that Wednesday night would also bring another night of a Matthew-free parents bed.......
BUT no such luck......we got maybe a 30 minute kid-free zone.
Thursday, I took the boys to dad's church to this little group for newborns to toddlers called Little Blessings. Matthew had a blast!! He ran around just like all the other kids. He also had his "first" kiss. They did kind of a freeze game except instead of freezing when the music stopped, you had to hug someone. Well Matthew had a little girl hug him & then she planted a big kiss on him. It was too cute! Of course his "Pa Pa" was sitting on the side lines giving him the "thumbs up" & " way to go" signs...LOL!!!
Friday brought a LOT of work for me. I had to rearrange the third room to make the back half a " guest room" & the front half the boys play room. I had to get all their toys out of their bedroom so that we could get Matthew's new bed in there. My friend gave us a toddler race car bed. Wayne & his friend picked it up this morning. We have to get a new mattress for it tomorrow BUT Matthew loves it so this could be the beginning of something great!!!! YEA!!!(fingers crossed, hoping & praying)!!!!
Well need to get some shut eye!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I have not really been sleep deprived this whole time....actually Luke sleeps really well. However yesterday I did not get my usual daily nap(while both kids are sleeping). Neither child took a nap at all yesterday...wait I take that back...Luke slept for 30 minutes....BUT that was it. Thank goodness they are both down for a nap today.
Well I gotta go catch a few ZZZ's before they wake up. More later!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


We took Matthew & Luke to the doctor yesterday. Matthew was there for his 18 month old shots & Luke for his 2 week old shot. Matthew also had to have his MMR shot that I held off on having. I was "scared" of it. I was afraid that with the luck we always seem to have that he'd be one of the few that would develop autism from it(though they say that's not possible). On the way home from the doctor he must have gotten tired from the shots because he wouldn't hardly talk which freaked me out...BUT then he finally came around & started talking like he normally does.
Luke went to his first party yesterday as well. Our friend's son is turning one & she had his party we stopped by for a few minutes. Mathew seemed to have fun while he was there.

Back to a comment I made in my last blog...about wondering if I was going thru post partum depression. I did some research on the subject...I am not suffering from that. I had/have what is known as "baby blues". Easy to cry, emotional, etc etc. This is all I had. I would cry the first week when Wayne's parents would bring Matthew home from their house because he would stand at the door & cry for them & refused to be comforted by me. This would hurt my felings & I'd end up crying. It's better now that he's been staying at home all day with me.
Matthew has been very helpful & loving with his baby brother. He loves to hold him & kiss him etc etc.
Well I got a phone call from the girl who was going to watch the boys for me....she called to say that she's not going to be able to watch them now. I guess this works out good so that now I don't have to blame it on Wayne when I quit.
Well better sign off for now....Matthew just woke up & wants mommy.