My scheduled c-section is 3 weeks from yesterday(& not a moment too I can't wait!! I'm in the state of "misery". I can't get comfortable in any position(sitting, standing, laying, etc etc). Soon it'll be over though & I'll have precious little Luke joining our family.
Hate to say it but so glad Christmas is over. We changed it up a little this year. We only went to his parents for Christmas eve(instead of both eve & day/night). Then we went to dad & Hazel's for lunch on Christmas day.
I feel so bad for dad & Hazel. I had to use them as babysitters that one day & I guess it traumitized Matthew. He is such a "creature of habit" & to have a "monkey wrench" thrown into his has apparently "scarred" him. Now every time we go to their house...he starts crying as soon as we get to the front door. I'm hoping he'll grow out of this. And hopefully he won't cry when they come over to our house the next time. His reaction each time(now) is really hurting them. I feel so bad BUT there's nothing I can really do about it.
I just found out a few days ago that one of my really good friends will be in town when I have Luke. I can't wait to see her. I hope & pray she is able to make it to the hospital to see me.
Well I better start thinking about doing a little work while I'm here....LOL!!!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!! We used a disposable camera for our pictures this time as soon as I get them developed & a disk(or scanned to my home computer) I'll post them on here.
Matthew hadn't quite grasped the concept of unwrapping the gifts yet...BUT he had a blast with everything he got for Christmas!!
More in a while!!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
4 Christmases
Matthew is having "4 Christmases". He had 1 yesterday...we let him open his gifts from his "Aunt Sandy" from church. Talk about having a blast!! He wouldn't even stop playing w/his toys long enough to eat lunch. Then #2 will be Christmas eve w/Wayne's family. #3 will be Christmas morning w/us & then #4 will be later that day w/my dad & Hazel. Matthew is going to have a blast!! He still doesn't "grasp" the concept of opening gifts(still needs a little help w/them) but once they are open he's all about them....LOL.
3 weeks from Christmas day!!! if Luke lasts that long....LOL!! I hope he does(even though I am completely miserable) because I have a lot to do before!!
Well better get back to work...boss just walked
If not back on before then...hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!
3 weeks from Christmas day!!! if Luke lasts that long....LOL!! I hope he does(even though I am completely miserable) because I have a lot to do before!!
Well better get back to work...boss just walked
If not back on before then...hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Well by this time 4 weeks from now, I will be in recovery(if not already in my room). It's not that far away yet it seems it at times.
My doctor said that what the other doctor meant about the baby being 2 wks more than me...had nothing to do w/my due date needing to be changed. It just meant that at that moment he was the size of a 33 wk old "fetus"/baby.
I still don't know if I'll actually make it to my actual scheduled delivery date or not. Noone I know thinks I will either. I look like he could drop out at any moment...LOL!!
Matthew is having a hard time lately if his daddy is not home within a half an hour of us getting home. I went thru another evening of him crying for more than an hour because he wanted his daddy. He wouldn't even take comfort from me..his own mommy. He wanted only either his daddy or his "Ninnie"...BUT no mommy. I now kind of know how my dad & Hazel felt a few weeks ago when they watched him & he cried for an hour for me. He was so upset last night that even in the brief moments when he'd be "calm" & I asked him if he was ready for dinner, he'd start crying again(I guess he associated eating with his daddy) needless to say he never ate dinner last night. He fell asleep before Wayne got home & had refused to eat until he got home. I hate that he didn't eat but I can't force him to either. I'm sure he won't suffer from missing one meal(especially after hearing what he'd had for breakfast...he ate more for breakfast than I did for breakfast, lunch & snacks...LOL).
Well better do some work(LOL) before it's time to go home for the day.
My doctor said that what the other doctor meant about the baby being 2 wks more than me...had nothing to do w/my due date needing to be changed. It just meant that at that moment he was the size of a 33 wk old "fetus"/baby.
I still don't know if I'll actually make it to my actual scheduled delivery date or not. Noone I know thinks I will either. I look like he could drop out at any moment...LOL!!
Matthew is having a hard time lately if his daddy is not home within a half an hour of us getting home. I went thru another evening of him crying for more than an hour because he wanted his daddy. He wouldn't even take comfort from me..his own mommy. He wanted only either his daddy or his "Ninnie"...BUT no mommy. I now kind of know how my dad & Hazel felt a few weeks ago when they watched him & he cried for an hour for me. He was so upset last night that even in the brief moments when he'd be "calm" & I asked him if he was ready for dinner, he'd start crying again(I guess he associated eating with his daddy) needless to say he never ate dinner last night. He fell asleep before Wayne got home & had refused to eat until he got home. I hate that he didn't eat but I can't force him to either. I'm sure he won't suffer from missing one meal(especially after hearing what he'd had for breakfast...he ate more for breakfast than I did for breakfast, lunch & snacks...LOL).
Well better do some work(LOL) before it's time to go home for the day.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Well I go to my doctor today. I'm in the stage of appointments every 2 wks now. I have to ask her if I had heard the ultrasound doctor correctly the last time when she said that I was 31 wks & 5 days but that the baby was 33 wks +. If so, there's a chance I won't make it to my January 15th scheduled c-section. Plus this past Sunday night, I was having contractions(at least I think they were contractions...LOL). I say think so because I never had them w/ not completely sure what they feel like. I just know that whatever was happening was not something I ever felt w/Matthew. Who knows...maybe I was having sympathy pains for Wayne's cousin's wife who had their son Sunday night...LOL!!!
Oh yes....time for the BIG announcement!!!! It hasn't been told to everyone(not sure if all of Wayne's family knows yet or if they are still calling the baby..#2...his dad was told the name so I assume he told Wayne's mom & so forth)......this baby's name will be.....Luke Austin Rippel.
Well I better do some work seeing as I leave in a little less than an hour.
Growing Up

He is becoming such a lil' man. So grown up!! He's definitely not a baby anymore.
Matthew is "speaking" more & more w/each passing day. Last night we started going thru some flashcards w/him. Then I decided that we'd just pick one each Monday night at dinner & that would be his "word" of the week. His word this week is apple.....AND he did say it two times last night during dinner(as I was showing him the card). He's very smart. He knows exactly what we are talking about(no matter what the subject). For example...while he was sick a few weeks ago...he got "hooked" on the bottle again(anything to get him to drink enough fluids). Well it's gotten to the point that I want him "broke" of it again but he can be very if he says bottle I ask him "what do you want? do you want a b-o-t-t-l-e(I spell it out)?" He then shakes his head yes.....the kid already knows how to spell bottle....LOL!!!
Well I hate to have to close but I better.Thursday, December 4, 2008
I have back labor. NOT FUN!!! I honestly don't know if this child will wait until the scheduled surgery day or not. I meant to ask my regular doctor the other day, if I had understood the ultrasound doctor correctly. I'd swear last week when I had my ultrasound done that she had told me that on that day I was 31 wks 5 days(according to my Jan. 22nd due date) but that the baby was measuring 33 wks. I will have to remember to ask at my next doctor's appt. on Dec. 16th. I'm thinking if I heard correctly, that there's a good, strong chance that this baby will come earlier than expected(more like closer to my original due date of Jan. 9th).
I'm still sick. Matthew is still congested a little bit as well. I really hate being sick. It's so very annoying!!!
Well better get back to work.
I'm still sick. Matthew is still congested a little bit as well. I really hate being sick. It's so very annoying!!!
Well better get back to work.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving Blues!!!
Well other than being alive(& having my family), I had absolutely nothing to be thankful about yesterday.
Matthew & I are both still sick. Wayne just has a cough here & there. All I wanted to do was rest BUT nope that didn't happen.
Wayne had said that if we were still sick on Thanksgiving day, that we would stay home. Guess he meant if he was still sick....cuz we still went, even though Matthew & I were both still sick.
I think if I could've rested the whole day I might be even better than I am.....I felt really good this morning when I got up...that is 'til I got out in the cold weather & it made me feel worse.....& now as the day has progressed I've slowly gone "down-hill".
Well better close for today.....almost time to go home from work.
Hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving!!
Matthew & I are both still sick. Wayne just has a cough here & there. All I wanted to do was rest BUT nope that didn't happen.
Wayne had said that if we were still sick on Thanksgiving day, that we would stay home. Guess he meant if he was still sick....cuz we still went, even though Matthew & I were both still sick.
I think if I could've rested the whole day I might be even better than I am.....I felt really good this morning when I got up...that is 'til I got out in the cold weather & it made me feel worse.....& now as the day has progressed I've slowly gone "down-hill".
Well better close for today.....almost time to go home from work.
Hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
We are all sick!! It started w/Wayne last week. He was almost over it, then yesterday it came back on him w/a vengeance. So now his is more like the flu instead of a cold. I started getting it 3 days ago & it is now apparent that I definitely am sick. In the beginning, we couldn't tell if it was a cold or sinus problems. And then last night, Matthew started getting it. He woke up w/a little cough this poor baby!!!
I still have not had the chance to upload Matthew's Halloween pics yet. One of these days it'll get done.....LOL!!!
The true "bummer" about us all being sick's our 6th wedding anniversary this Sunday. It doesn't look like we'll get to enjoy it at all.
Well better get back to
I still have not had the chance to upload Matthew's Halloween pics yet. One of these days it'll get done.....LOL!!!
The true "bummer" about us all being sick's our 6th wedding anniversary this Sunday. It doesn't look like we'll get to enjoy it at all.
Well better get back to
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I apologize for not blogging sooner. I still need to upload Matthew's Halloween pics to my computer at home so that I can upload them on here for all of you to see.
I honestly just have not felt like doing anything the last week & a half. I will try to do better as I draw near to the end of this pregnancy & after as well.
I had a doctor's appointment this morning. I passed my glucola test w/flying colors. Doctor said everything's looking good. We scheduled my c-section as well. So this little bundle of joy will be making his appearance on Thursday, January 15th. The surgery starts around 12:30pm...which is the same time Matthew's this one should be born right around the same time as his big brother.
As much as I love being pregnant(all the kicks etc), I am looking forward to being done as well. I'm at that point where I can't get comfortable anywhere(bed, work, etc). My big belly is just too heavy anymore....LOL!!!
Well better get ready to leave for the day. I will try to get the Halloween pics up soon!
I honestly just have not felt like doing anything the last week & a half. I will try to do better as I draw near to the end of this pregnancy & after as well.
I had a doctor's appointment this morning. I passed my glucola test w/flying colors. Doctor said everything's looking good. We scheduled my c-section as well. So this little bundle of joy will be making his appearance on Thursday, January 15th. The surgery starts around 12:30pm...which is the same time Matthew's this one should be born right around the same time as his big brother.
As much as I love being pregnant(all the kicks etc), I am looking forward to being done as well. I'm at that point where I can't get comfortable anywhere(bed, work, etc). My big belly is just too heavy anymore....LOL!!!
Well better get ready to leave for the day. I will try to get the Halloween pics up soon!
Friday, October 31, 2008
We have a Halloween picture that Matthew colored to share w/everyone. My computer at home would not let me email it to everyone(for some reason) when I get around to it I will post it on here. I'll try to do it later this afternoon if I have the "strength" to do so.
If you are family & reading this you already know but if you are a friend you won't know this yet...
My brother Mel passed away this morning around 1am(CST). Please pray for my sis-n-law, Pam, during this time. She is an amazingly strong person but this is a trying time for all. Also just keep the rest of our family in your prayers as well. This is a trying time for our family. And I ask for your prayers for me. I called my doctor this morning & found out that I'm not allowed to fly....therefore I can't go out for the funeral....which is "heart-breaking" for me.
We are still going to continue w/our Halloween plans.....mainly as a "distraction" tactic.
Well better eat lunch & then get back to work.
If you are family & reading this you already know but if you are a friend you won't know this yet...
My brother Mel passed away this morning around 1am(CST). Please pray for my sis-n-law, Pam, during this time. She is an amazingly strong person but this is a trying time for all. Also just keep the rest of our family in your prayers as well. This is a trying time for our family. And I ask for your prayers for me. I called my doctor this morning & found out that I'm not allowed to fly....therefore I can't go out for the funeral....which is "heart-breaking" for me.
We are still going to continue w/our Halloween plans.....mainly as a "distraction" tactic.
Well better eat lunch & then get back to work.
Monday, October 27, 2008
1st Fall Festival
Matthew attended his first fall festival yesterday at our church. He had a blast!!! He played all the games that were set up(even the ones that were way too big for him); they let him "cheat" a little since he was so small. He did really good. He got 118 tickets to "cash in" on prizes. His "loot" included a Mickey playball, a pumpkin w/a straw, & a Pooh coloring set.
Wayne made his chili for the chili cook-off & I made some peanut butter chocolate cupcakes for the bake-off. I won 1st place in the bake-off. It's the first time I've ever entered it. It was a very exciting thing for me...I've never won anything before.
Matthew ran back & forth so much playing all the games that he fell asleep on the way home. He was so out of it that he didn't even wake up when I took him out of the car. He even still had his bib on from I put him in his crib. Wayne noticed the bib & took it off...never disturbing him. I then went in; took off his shoes, socks, & shorts plus changed his diaper w/out disturbing him. He was one tired boy!
We didn't get a whole lot of pictures while at the festival....but as soon as I get them downloaded into my computer at home, I will post them on our blog.
Well lunch is about over. Better get back to work.
Wayne made his chili for the chili cook-off & I made some peanut butter chocolate cupcakes for the bake-off. I won 1st place in the bake-off. It's the first time I've ever entered it. It was a very exciting thing for me...I've never won anything before.
Matthew ran back & forth so much playing all the games that he fell asleep on the way home. He was so out of it that he didn't even wake up when I took him out of the car. He even still had his bib on from I put him in his crib. Wayne noticed the bib & took it off...never disturbing him. I then went in; took off his shoes, socks, & shorts plus changed his diaper w/out disturbing him. He was one tired boy!
We didn't get a whole lot of pictures while at the festival....but as soon as I get them downloaded into my computer at home, I will post them on our blog.
Well lunch is about over. Better get back to work.
Monday, October 20, 2008
New pics

I had to take Matthew last week to the doctor's after hours care. His diaper rash was bothering him so much Tuesday night that when I put him in for his bath, he hated it. He cried & was moving trying to avoid sitting. So I asked him if he wanted mommy to take him to the doctor & he shook his head yes. So we called & got an "emergency hours" appointment. The weird thing is from the time I took him out of his bath til we got there & saw the had changed. It went from looking like regular diaper rash to looking like a yeast diaper rash(thus also the diagnosis). So then we went to Target & got his prescription. Then when we got home & were changing his diaper again for had changed back to the regular looking diaper rash. It was the weirdest thing. It's finally all better. I just hope it stays that way!
I'm feeling pretty good. The baby keeps shifting his that one day I'm carrying "high" & then the next "low" & sometimes both in one day. Emotionally, I'm so-so. Nothing to do w/the baby though. Just some other things going on that have me "irritated" & "out of sorts". I "can't" go into any details about this.....just keep me in your prayers. It'd be bad enough dealing w/these "feelings" at a regular time BUT add on top of it the pregnancy hormones...I can be extra emotional & sensitive.
Well better get back to work.
Monday, October 13, 2008
I hate Sunday nights!!! For some reason, no matter how tired I am; I can't seem to fall asleep on Sunday nights. Last night was no exception. Not sure exactly what contributed to it last night because I was exhausted but only slept maybe an hour out of the 7 1/2 I was in bed. I don't know if it's just the fact that I can't get comfortable anymore or if it's the fact of Wayne & Matthew flopping around like fish.(yes i said Matthew....Wayne wanted him w/us last night for some reason...I think because Matthew hasn't been feeling "great")
Matthew's cutting more teeth & having issues w/them. He has been fighting w/a diaper rash since the beginning of this month because of the teeth. However, it got better around Weds. of last week but came back w/a vengeance this past Sat. Several people asked if it was because we'd given him something different to eat but he's eating all the same foods as usual.
Well, we have picked a name out for the new baby. You'll have to stay tuned to find out what it is because we are not telling anyone at this time...LOL!!!
Oh, & we decided on the hospital. We still haven't seen the 2nd one but decided for more visits from Matthew as well as Wayne(& maybe my dad & Hazel this time) to go w/the closer one that we used last time. Hopefully I'll have a better experience this time.
Matthew's cutting more teeth & having issues w/them. He has been fighting w/a diaper rash since the beginning of this month because of the teeth. However, it got better around Weds. of last week but came back w/a vengeance this past Sat. Several people asked if it was because we'd given him something different to eat but he's eating all the same foods as usual.
Well, we have picked a name out for the new baby. You'll have to stay tuned to find out what it is because we are not telling anyone at this time...LOL!!!
Oh, & we decided on the hospital. We still haven't seen the 2nd one but decided for more visits from Matthew as well as Wayne(& maybe my dad & Hazel this time) to go w/the closer one that we used last time. Hopefully I'll have a better experience this time.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Plans Changed
We didn't go to the hospital or Babies R Us today. Wayne ended up having to work & we needed that extra money, so we canceled our plans.
Matthew's been fussy today. I think his teeth are bothering him. It took me a while to get him down for his nap. It also took letting him sleep in our bed for it. Oh well, whatever it takes for him to get enough rest.
Matthew's been fussy today. I think his teeth are bothering him. It took me a while to get him down for his nap. It also took letting him sleep in our bed for it. Oh well, whatever it takes for him to get enough rest.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Well we go tomorrow to check out the other hospital(the one I really want to deliver in, though it's so far away). Then we're going to head over to Babies R Us to look around.
I found out today that I can make all of Matthew's well check up appointments on Saturdays. I thought that the Saturday & Sunday hours were only for sick/emergency visits but Saturday mornings they do well check ups too. YEA!!!! NO more having to lose hours at work to go for his drs appts.
Baby's hungry!!! Better go feed him!! LOL!!
I found out today that I can make all of Matthew's well check up appointments on Saturdays. I thought that the Saturday & Sunday hours were only for sick/emergency visits but Saturday mornings they do well check ups too. YEA!!!! NO more having to lose hours at work to go for his drs appts.
Baby's hungry!!! Better go feed him!! LOL!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Back to normal?
Well I went back to work today. YIKES!!!! Normally I could've caught up in one day BUT my boss insisted on me getting some orders written up today(though they won't be in 'til mid Jan). She wasn't in a great mood w/me having been out for almost a week. She told me I need to get a back-up babysitter for times like these......easier said than done. We don't live close to any of my friends(or my dad) & I have no friends out this way, so noone else to do it. Plus Matthew is very funny about strangers....some he has no problem with & others forget about it. He even does this w/family that he doesn't see a lot(like my dad).
Well I better go figure out what I'm going to have for dinner. Wayne just got I need to give Matthew a bath before his bedtime.
Well I better go figure out what I'm going to have for dinner. Wayne just got I need to give Matthew a bath before his bedtime.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Well due to unfortunate events in Wayne's family's life, I have gotten some time off of work to spend extra time w/Matthew. This past Wednesday I was called by Wayne to leave work early because his dad was being taken to the hospital. He ended up being admitted & now next Monday(late) will be the very earliest he can get out of there. He has a blood clot on his lung...this is a very serious thing. They are trying to break it up w/blood thinners. Please keep him in your prayers.
I took Matthew to Little Blessings at my dad's church yesterday(since I was off). Matthew had a blast!! He didn't really interact w/the other kids but he ran around having so much fun. I wish we lived closer so we could take him to it more often. Matthew would love it!!!
Well going to try to rest some(though I need to clean some while Matthew is down for his nap.
I took Matthew to Little Blessings at my dad's church yesterday(since I was off). Matthew had a blast!! He didn't really interact w/the other kids but he ran around having so much fun. I wish we lived closer so we could take him to it more often. Matthew would love it!!!
Well going to try to rest some(though I need to clean some while Matthew is down for his nap.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Right Track
I went to the doctor yesterday. She said that everything's right on track(my weight, belly size, etc). I love to hear the heartbeat's my favorite part of any visit. My next visit to her(actually to one of the other "partners") is next month for my glucola test. This tests for gestational diabetes. I was borderline w/Matthew. I really hate this test. You drink this nasty tasting liquid(kinda like a flat Sunkist) an hour before you go to the doctor. It's like pure sugar. Last year, my heart started beating so fast from it...I literally thought my heart would burst out of my chest it was beating so hard. Well this not only effects my heart rate but the baby's as well; plus it raises my blood pressure......oh so fun.....NOT!!!!
Matthew seems like he gets bigger & bigger w/each passing day. He loves to be outside. If he could be outside 24/7....I think he would be. He's very active. He has taken up playing football, soccer, & golf while at his papa & ninie's house each day.
Well better get back to work.
Matthew seems like he gets bigger & bigger w/each passing day. He loves to be outside. If he could be outside 24/7....I think he would be. He's very active. He has taken up playing football, soccer, & golf while at his papa & ninie's house each day.
Well better get back to work.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So bored!! I finished all my work for the whole work week yesterday. So now I have nothing to do("major projects") for the rest of the week. I have the day to day stuff BUT we are still in our slow time of the it's not much(usually done in 15 minutes).
Matthew is so cute. I have to remember to have Wayne send the picture of him from our last Sam's Club shopping adventure....ADORABLE. The pic is in Wayne's phone & I keep forgetting to have him send it to mine or my email. As soon as he does, I'll post it.
Matthew loves to be outside. That's all he wants to do. I hate it because he doesn't understand why he can't go out when there's a rain storm coming or that it's too late & there are mosquitos & gnats, etc out. I can't wait to get the back yard set up where the dogs have their area to run & play & the boys will have the whole rest of the yard to play in(poop
Matthew's attention span is getting a little longer w/each passing day. He can stay focused on something he's playing with or watching for a longer amount of time than he used well as he knows how to play by himself & not always have to be entertained. This last thing is really good for me considering that I'm exhausted by the end of the work day & just want to rest.
Well I better get back to work....LOL!!
Matthew is so cute. I have to remember to have Wayne send the picture of him from our last Sam's Club shopping adventure....ADORABLE. The pic is in Wayne's phone & I keep forgetting to have him send it to mine or my email. As soon as he does, I'll post it.
Matthew loves to be outside. That's all he wants to do. I hate it because he doesn't understand why he can't go out when there's a rain storm coming or that it's too late & there are mosquitos & gnats, etc out. I can't wait to get the back yard set up where the dogs have their area to run & play & the boys will have the whole rest of the yard to play in(poop
Matthew's attention span is getting a little longer w/each passing day. He can stay focused on something he's playing with or watching for a longer amount of time than he used well as he knows how to play by himself & not always have to be entertained. This last thing is really good for me considering that I'm exhausted by the end of the work day & just want to rest.
Well I better get back to work....LOL!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Well thank goodness this happened with Wayne yesterday & not me by myself today(or any other day). We went & did our shopping & then he decided that on the way home he wanted to stop & visit his parents really quick. Well we did so, then as we were loading the car to leave to go home, Wayne jumps out & starts looking at the tires. I looked down at my side & said "this back one is very low". Well it turned out between Target & his parents house, we had somehow gotten a piece of wood about 7 inches long in our tire. He did his best to plug it but it was still leaking. So Matthew & I went back into the house w/his mom while he & his dad ran to Sam's. Turns out we also had a nail in one of our other tires. This was irritating to us both because we just bought 4 new tires(off the internet) back in April. Thus nothing we could do about getting free ones, etc for the road hazards we had encountered.
Matthew ended up being really tired & took a 3 hour nap while daddy was gone. He even slept in his own crib last night for longer than he has in a long time. He justs loves to snuggle, that's why he loves to end up w/us in our bed.
I think we are getting closer to finding a name for the new baby. We have agreed on 2 names....
for the first name. One has a middle as well....but the middle name could possibly change as well. Only time will see. We need to go thru all the names again & see what middle name goes w/what first name & see if we find the perfect combo. We'll keep ya'll posted.
Baby's kicking....saying it's time for lunch.....better go feed him....LOL
Matthew ended up being really tired & took a 3 hour nap while daddy was gone. He even slept in his own crib last night for longer than he has in a long time. He justs loves to snuggle, that's why he loves to end up w/us in our bed.
I think we are getting closer to finding a name for the new baby. We have agreed on 2 names....
for the first name. One has a middle as well....but the middle name could possibly change as well. Only time will see. We need to go thru all the names again & see what middle name goes w/what first name & see if we find the perfect combo. We'll keep ya'll posted.
Baby's kicking....saying it's time for lunch.....better go feed him....LOL
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I'm so hungry!! I can't seem to get enough!! LOL!! NO wonder I'm as big as a house...not really but sometimes it feels that way...LOL!!
Matthew was really good last night. We were out to dinner with some of the guys from Wayne's work. It was even Matthew's bedtime BUT he wasn't the least bit cranky like he is when we're home. He was his happy, joyful little self. I was very impressed. I was really afraid he be cranky, crabby baby BUT he wasn't!!
I started reading that book "Memoirs of a Geisha". I love it!! I just want to sit & read it all the way thru til I'm done w/it...BUT sadly I can't do that. I hate having to put it down. It's only taken me like 2 yrs to get started reading it. Now I wish I had read it sooner. It's a very good book.
Well, baby's wanting some food.....I better give in & eat....LOL!!! What else is new??? LOL!!!
Matthew was really good last night. We were out to dinner with some of the guys from Wayne's work. It was even Matthew's bedtime BUT he wasn't the least bit cranky like he is when we're home. He was his happy, joyful little self. I was very impressed. I was really afraid he be cranky, crabby baby BUT he wasn't!!
I started reading that book "Memoirs of a Geisha". I love it!! I just want to sit & read it all the way thru til I'm done w/it...BUT sadly I can't do that. I hate having to put it down. It's only taken me like 2 yrs to get started reading it. Now I wish I had read it sooner. It's a very good book.
Well, baby's wanting some food.....I better give in & eat....LOL!!! What else is new??? LOL!!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Poor Baby
We put Matthew in the nursery for the 2nd time....he cried!!! They had to come get me because the lady could not get him to stop crying. Poor thing!!
We want to switch which hospital we deliver in BUT my dad thinks we should stay w/the one we already delivered with. He does have a point that it is closer to home. If we do it like we did the last time....Wayne will only be off work the day I deliver & then work the rest while I'm in the hospital....that way he's not "bored" just sitting there in the room all day(he can't handle man of action). The draw back to the "new" hospital is that I might only get to see Wayne the day I deliver & not again 'til he's taking us home. At least w/the "old" one he could "sneak" in before work & then possibly get in a few minutes in the evening as well. We are going to go tour the "new" one next month & I may re-tour the "old" one as well. A few reasons I want to switch are due to the lack of good cold a/c(my thermostat was set on 60 yet I was sweating buckets & the chocolate bars my friends gave me to hand out melted the first night because it was so hot in the room) & then the last two days I was in there I was "forced" to have to walk the halls to hunt down my nurse to get pain meds. NOT fun after a c-section(though I know I needed to walk...BUT not when I was hurting that
Well time to get dinner going.
We want to switch which hospital we deliver in BUT my dad thinks we should stay w/the one we already delivered with. He does have a point that it is closer to home. If we do it like we did the last time....Wayne will only be off work the day I deliver & then work the rest while I'm in the hospital....that way he's not "bored" just sitting there in the room all day(he can't handle man of action). The draw back to the "new" hospital is that I might only get to see Wayne the day I deliver & not again 'til he's taking us home. At least w/the "old" one he could "sneak" in before work & then possibly get in a few minutes in the evening as well. We are going to go tour the "new" one next month & I may re-tour the "old" one as well. A few reasons I want to switch are due to the lack of good cold a/c(my thermostat was set on 60 yet I was sweating buckets & the chocolate bars my friends gave me to hand out melted the first night because it was so hot in the room) & then the last two days I was in there I was "forced" to have to walk the halls to hunt down my nurse to get pain meds. NOT fun after a c-section(though I know I needed to walk...BUT not when I was hurting that
Well time to get dinner going.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Well, it looks like we've "ESCAPED" another hurricane. Thank the Lord! I was a little worried about it. Thank goodness it's missing us though.
WE bought Matthew a potty chair today. I think we're going to start trying to get him potty trained here really soon. It'd be nice to have him trained by the time the new baby is born.
Speaking of the new baby....Wayne just realized he's going to have 3 nights by himself w/Matthew. I think he's nervous....mainly because when Matthew's tired..he only wants mommy. I told Wayne it will be a good "bonding" experience for them....& hopefully it'll help once we bring new baby home.
Still no name picked out....waiting on Wayne's list still.
Well better get back out there to help make dinner.
WE bought Matthew a potty chair today. I think we're going to start trying to get him potty trained here really soon. It'd be nice to have him trained by the time the new baby is born.
Speaking of the new baby....Wayne just realized he's going to have 3 nights by himself w/Matthew. I think he's nervous....mainly because when Matthew's tired..he only wants mommy. I told Wayne it will be a good "bonding" experience for them....& hopefully it'll help once we bring new baby home.
Still no name picked out....waiting on Wayne's list still.
Well better get back out there to help make dinner.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Well it looks like we may be getting one of the storms....hopefully not full on like earlier predicted...BUT if it continues the way it's going & or moves a little more south, we will still be on the "worse" side of the storm(more rain, more wind, etc). Keep us in your prayers!
Matthew impressed his daddy last night. He was ready for his nite-nite bottle & went to the kitchen gate to wait for mommy to "climb" over & get his bottle. But mommy told him that she had to go potty befire she could get it.....he left the gate & went to the bathroom door & opened it for mommy. Mommy then told him to go wait at the "bottle chair" & she'd be there in a minute. He obeyed. Daddy was very impressed that he knew exactly what mommy was saying. I told Wayne, Matthew's very smart....he knows where everything is(his room...where he goes for a diaper change, etc, etc).
Well better go finish making dinner.
Matthew impressed his daddy last night. He was ready for his nite-nite bottle & went to the kitchen gate to wait for mommy to "climb" over & get his bottle. But mommy told him that she had to go potty befire she could get it.....he left the gate & went to the bathroom door & opened it for mommy. Mommy then told him to go wait at the "bottle chair" & she'd be there in a minute. He obeyed. Daddy was very impressed that he knew exactly what mommy was saying. I told Wayne, Matthew's very smart....he knows where everything is(his room...where he goes for a diaper change, etc, etc).
Well better go finish making dinner.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
There are 3 storms out there...we are hoping none of them come our way...BUT can we get that lucky? I pray we don't get them only because of the discomfort I felt during the outer edges of that tropical storm we went thru a few weeks ago.
We have not decided on a name for this baby yet. I made 2 lists last's Wayne's turn now. Then we'll compare, narrow it down to "identical" names off each list & then go from there. Matthew's name means gift of God...I found another that has that same meaning but not sure we like it or not. It'd have been so much easier if it had been a girl....we've had that name picked out for the last 5 years...LOL!!
Baby's HUNGRY!!! Better go feed him!
We have not decided on a name for this baby yet. I made 2 lists last's Wayne's turn now. Then we'll compare, narrow it down to "identical" names off each list & then go from there. Matthew's name means gift of God...I found another that has that same meaning but not sure we like it or not. It'd have been so much easier if it had been a girl....we've had that name picked out for the last 5 years...LOL!!
Baby's HUNGRY!!! Better go feed him!
Monday, August 25, 2008
News "leaked"
Well, so much for waiting til Wayne's sister's b-day was over to share the news of what we are having. Apparently Wayne "blabbed" it to his sister the day I told him, then she told her fiance, who said something during her b-day dinner. Oh much for a "surprise"
So for everyone who's been waiting to's a BOY!!!! We haven't chosen the name yet. We have one picked out but not positive on it. I'm hoping to be able to keep the name a secret til the end this time but we'll see.
I'm feeling pretty good.....just a little's pushing a lot(not kicking yet but pushing...trying to stretch my stomach
Better close for now. Everyone else(my men & my dogs) are all sound I should be.
So for everyone who's been waiting to's a BOY!!!! We haven't chosen the name yet. We have one picked out but not positive on it. I'm hoping to be able to keep the name a secret til the end this time but we'll see.
I'm feeling pretty good.....just a little's pushing a lot(not kicking yet but pushing...trying to stretch my stomach
Better close for now. Everyone else(my men & my dogs) are all sound I should be.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Net at home (again)
Finally have the internet at home again. Bad thing is, the computer is in our bedroom which means no net time 'til Matthew is asleep.
We found out last Thursday what the baby is....BUT I can't tell in my blog yet because we have not told Wayne's family yet. And we don't want anyone connected to his family(friends, etc) who have this blog site to "leak" the news.
So you'll all have to stay "tuned" to find out what we are having.
We found out last Thursday what the baby is....BUT I can't tell in my blog yet because we have not told Wayne's family yet. And we don't want anyone connected to his family(friends, etc) who have this blog site to "leak" the news.
So you'll all have to stay "tuned" to find out what we are having.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Still Here!!
I haven't disappeared. I'm no longer allowed to access the internet while at work except for during my thirty minute needless to say there's a lot to do in that thirty minutes. We are trying to get internet access back at home...soon hopefully.
We had that storm come thru on Tuesday morning. Boy did I feel the effects(physically) Monday late evening & then again Tuesday morning. Now I know why they insist on women farther along in their pregnancies to go to the hospital during hurricanes. I truly felt the pressure....not a pleasant feeling...LOL!!
I'm starting to go thru Matthew's "old"/out grown clothes....& minimize for the new baby(if it's a boy). We have way too much. I want to have a yard sale to get rid of stuff as well as maybe make a little extra cash.
Well I better close for today.
We had that storm come thru on Tuesday morning. Boy did I feel the effects(physically) Monday late evening & then again Tuesday morning. Now I know why they insist on women farther along in their pregnancies to go to the hospital during hurricanes. I truly felt the pressure....not a pleasant feeling...LOL!!
I'm starting to go thru Matthew's "old"/out grown clothes....& minimize for the new baby(if it's a boy). We have way too much. I want to have a yard sale to get rid of stuff as well as maybe make a little extra cash.
Well I better close for today.
Friday, August 15, 2008
TGIF!!!! I can't wait to go home. My sister & nephews are on there way down right now. I can't wait to see them.
Matthew decided he needed to be up 'til 11:30pm last night. This after the night before sleeping thru daddy coming home late BUT waking up at 1am to find daddy & "party" 'til 2am. Boy am I exhausted!!
Just hungry & tired feeling today!!
Better finish up some work so I can go home for the day!!
Matthew decided he needed to be up 'til 11:30pm last night. This after the night before sleeping thru daddy coming home late BUT waking up at 1am to find daddy & "party" 'til 2am. Boy am I exhausted!!
Just hungry & tired feeling today!!
Better finish up some work so I can go home for the day!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
You'd think that once you had been thru something that should've made you "learn a lesson" that you'd remember it for the rest of your life. Maybe it's just me(or maybe a total human nature thing); trying to see the best in everyone. BUT once again, I have "learned" you don't always see or get the best of everyone. This time is different though!!! I truly have LEARNED the lesson.
I'm doing okay. The baby seems to be fine despite some stress I'm under. So I ask for my family & friends prayers for the health & safety of this baby as well as me. I know that too much stress can cause you to go into labor early, thus why I am trying to stay as calm as possible when I can.
Matthew is really walking up a storm now. He's all over the place. He loves to go to the entertainment center & pull out all the controllers to the playstation, etc; as well as all the Disney videos that are in the side cabinet. He gets a kick out of making a
Well it's time to feed this baby...LOL!!! When is it not....LOL!!
I'm doing okay. The baby seems to be fine despite some stress I'm under. So I ask for my family & friends prayers for the health & safety of this baby as well as me. I know that too much stress can cause you to go into labor early, thus why I am trying to stay as calm as possible when I can.
Matthew is really walking up a storm now. He's all over the place. He loves to go to the entertainment center & pull out all the controllers to the playstation, etc; as well as all the Disney videos that are in the side cabinet. He gets a kick out of making a
Well it's time to feed this baby...LOL!!! When is it not....LOL!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Little Tired!!
Already just a little bit tired this morning. It was a kind of exhausting weekend. Weekends are way too short!! I think weekends need to be four days long & the work week only three...LOL!! One can dream can't they?!?!
Matthew did very well at the doctor's on Friday. The doctor was impressed w/him. He'd be asking me a question & before I could get the answer out Matthew was already shaking his head yes or no(answering for himself) & funny thing is/was...his answers were correct. Then after the doctor did his part of the exam..he was still talking to me...BUT Matthew was ready for him to go as well as to leave himself. Matthew would point at the doctor then to the door(telling him it's time for you to leave)...then he'd point to himself & then to the door(saying it was time for himself & mommy to be leaving). This really impressed the doctor. It was the cutest thing ever!!
We took dad out for his bithday(again). He & Hazel were really impressed w/Matthew & how much he's changed just in the last two weeks....walking so much better, etc.
We put Matthew in the nursery at church for the first time. He did really good in the beginning. When I went to pick him up though, he was crying. They said it's because he kept wanting to go out the door & they wouldn't let him. I think it's also because they never gave him a drink or anything plus he was tired(so ready for a nap). I think w/the switching of the Sunday school person to the church people "confused" him as well as I don't think the church time workers even knew which bag was his. They no longer have a "system" like they used to that identified the child, his/her bag, & the parent for pick up. So these people had no clue who he was, etc.
We will put him in again BUT we are going to label his diaper bag(as well as him) so that the people know which bag is his & are able to give him his drink, etc.
I'm feeling pretty good today except for being tired & HUNGRY(as usual..LOL)!!
Matthew did very well at the doctor's on Friday. The doctor was impressed w/him. He'd be asking me a question & before I could get the answer out Matthew was already shaking his head yes or no(answering for himself) & funny thing is/was...his answers were correct. Then after the doctor did his part of the exam..he was still talking to me...BUT Matthew was ready for him to go as well as to leave himself. Matthew would point at the doctor then to the door(telling him it's time for you to leave)...then he'd point to himself & then to the door(saying it was time for himself & mommy to be leaving). This really impressed the doctor. It was the cutest thing ever!!
We took dad out for his bithday(again). He & Hazel were really impressed w/Matthew & how much he's changed just in the last two weeks....walking so much better, etc.
We put Matthew in the nursery at church for the first time. He did really good in the beginning. When I went to pick him up though, he was crying. They said it's because he kept wanting to go out the door & they wouldn't let him. I think it's also because they never gave him a drink or anything plus he was tired(so ready for a nap). I think w/the switching of the Sunday school person to the church people "confused" him as well as I don't think the church time workers even knew which bag was his. They no longer have a "system" like they used to that identified the child, his/her bag, & the parent for pick up. So these people had no clue who he was, etc.
We will put him in again BUT we are going to label his diaper bag(as well as him) so that the people know which bag is his & are able to give him his drink, etc.
I'm feeling pretty good today except for being tired & HUNGRY(as usual..LOL)!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
TGIF!!! Finally a chance to!!(whatever that This being said....this means I am a bit tired today. This is not the greatest news at this point of the morning because I still have the whole day left to go. It could be partially due to the fact that there is noone here in the office today except me & the president of the company(& then the 2 people who work in the marking room downstairs). So this leaves me w/noone to talk to...which can be very boring!!
I do get to leave early today BUT only to go get Matthew & go sit at his doctor's office to get his 1 year old shot(s). They are supposed to give him the MMR shot today BUT I am not letting them give it to him as of yet. I'm going to have them wait & give it to him when he is 18 months old. That should be a fun day because not only will I have him having those shots, I'll have the new baby getting "it's" 1 month old shots.
Knock on wood...I'm not my "normal" starving self this morning. That could be because I ate my breakfast a little later than normal(usually as soon as I sit down at my desk). Being that noone is here today, I waited to straighten my hair til I got to work this morning...which pushed my eating schedule off a little bit. I'm sure it'll catch up w/me though(the hunger part)....probably when we are at the doctor's office.
Well I better at least look like I'm doing work...LOL!!
I do get to leave early today BUT only to go get Matthew & go sit at his doctor's office to get his 1 year old shot(s). They are supposed to give him the MMR shot today BUT I am not letting them give it to him as of yet. I'm going to have them wait & give it to him when he is 18 months old. That should be a fun day because not only will I have him having those shots, I'll have the new baby getting "it's" 1 month old shots.
Knock on wood...I'm not my "normal" starving self this morning. That could be because I ate my breakfast a little later than normal(usually as soon as I sit down at my desk). Being that noone is here today, I waited to straighten my hair til I got to work this morning...which pushed my eating schedule off a little bit. I'm sure it'll catch up w/me though(the hunger part)....probably when we are at the doctor's office.
Well I better at least look like I'm doing work...LOL!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Ticked Off!!!
I feel pretty good so far today, a little tired but not super bad( Hungry as always!!
Ticked off!!! describes how I'm feeling about a comment someone made to one of my posts the other day. The person was rude to me in it & doesn't know what the heck they are talking about!
I'll tell what they said(in a nicer way/tone...than they did). They told me the reason my son was having nightmares is because of sleeping in my bed w/us...& us having sex in the bed w/him there as well as having the dogs in the bed w/us. Then they told me to get off my lazy butt & do the laundry so my son can sleep in his crib & that the reason I let him cosleep w/us is because I am LAZY, LAZY, LAZY!! This person obviously hasn't read all of my blogs & is not someone who knows me....otherwise they'd know that all of what they said is UNTRUE!!!
-We do not have sex w/our son in the bed!!! That matter is private & is taken care of while he is
in his bed(before he wakes & wants to come to our bed)
-Our dogs do not sleep w/us anymore. They did before Matthew came around. Two of them
sleep in the living room while the third sleeps in our room BUT on the floor.
-There hasn't been laundry in his crib in over like 4 or 5 months(since we have been trying to
get him to sleep in it) & even before that there wasn't always laundry in it!
-I do get off my butt & fold the laundry(almost on a daily basis).
-He cosleeps because that is what he has been used to since he was born.
-As for me being LAZY, LAZY, LAZY!!! I don't think so!! I work a 40 hour work week(w/the
commute like 46/47 hours a week). Then have a one year old I run after all evening; plus
cleaning the house(daily) as well as cooking meals. My day starts at 5:40am & ends somewhere
around 11pm every weekday. On top of all this, I AM 4 & 1/2 months pregnant! So I honestly
don't think anyone can accuse me of being LAZY!! I am far from it!! YES! I am tired BUT that
comes from all I do as well as from being pregnant!
I hope this clears up everything for the "delusional" & "confused" person who sent me the RUDE comment....
Some would say make the blog private so people like this won't make their "uninformed" comments....I would but then it just makes it harder on my friends & family(who do know me) to get to my blog,etc(extra steps). So I'm leaving it open BUT will sound off on "idiotic"/uninformed
Well better get to my actual work stuff(boss giving me the "evil eye"
Ticked off!!! describes how I'm feeling about a comment someone made to one of my posts the other day. The person was rude to me in it & doesn't know what the heck they are talking about!
I'll tell what they said(in a nicer way/tone...than they did). They told me the reason my son was having nightmares is because of sleeping in my bed w/us...& us having sex in the bed w/him there as well as having the dogs in the bed w/us. Then they told me to get off my lazy butt & do the laundry so my son can sleep in his crib & that the reason I let him cosleep w/us is because I am LAZY, LAZY, LAZY!! This person obviously hasn't read all of my blogs & is not someone who knows me....otherwise they'd know that all of what they said is UNTRUE!!!
-We do not have sex w/our son in the bed!!! That matter is private & is taken care of while he is
in his bed(before he wakes & wants to come to our bed)
-Our dogs do not sleep w/us anymore. They did before Matthew came around. Two of them
sleep in the living room while the third sleeps in our room BUT on the floor.
-There hasn't been laundry in his crib in over like 4 or 5 months(since we have been trying to
get him to sleep in it) & even before that there wasn't always laundry in it!
-I do get off my butt & fold the laundry(almost on a daily basis).
-He cosleeps because that is what he has been used to since he was born.
-As for me being LAZY, LAZY, LAZY!!! I don't think so!! I work a 40 hour work week(w/the
commute like 46/47 hours a week). Then have a one year old I run after all evening; plus
cleaning the house(daily) as well as cooking meals. My day starts at 5:40am & ends somewhere
around 11pm every weekday. On top of all this, I AM 4 & 1/2 months pregnant! So I honestly
don't think anyone can accuse me of being LAZY!! I am far from it!! YES! I am tired BUT that
comes from all I do as well as from being pregnant!
I hope this clears up everything for the "delusional" & "confused" person who sent me the RUDE comment....
Some would say make the blog private so people like this won't make their "uninformed" comments....I would but then it just makes it harder on my friends & family(who do know me) to get to my blog,etc(extra steps). So I'm leaving it open BUT will sound off on "idiotic"/uninformed
Well better get to my actual work stuff(boss giving me the "evil eye"
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm only in the 16th week of this pregnancy. My fingers are already much that I can barely get my rings off. I don't remember this happening this soon with Matthew. I know that say around like month 6 & 1/2 to 7(last time) is when I had to stop wearing my wedding set & my mom's wedding band. I was like the "shallow" person & bought a "cheap" larger size ring, so that people wouldn't think I was an unwed
Wayne actually got off at a decent hour last night. So Matthew & I walked up to the community parking compound to meet him for the walk home from his truck. Plus this gave Matthew playtime w/daddy....something he didn't get last week at all. The downfall to this was Matthew refused to go to bed last night. He felt he needed to stay up & play some more w/daddy. He must sense that he's not going to have much time the rest of the week w/him.
I'm feeling good. I start off really good in the morning, wide awake, etc. BUT then by about mid-morning I start "crashing". I don't get it!! I thought you were supposed to have more energy in your second trimester than the first & third. This is how I was with Matthew; exhausted every day thru the whole thing. I literally took a nap at my desk every day as well as resting/sleeping when I'd get home from work. BUT I can't do that now....I can still try to squeeze in a nap at lunch time at my desk but when I get home I can't just do nothing because I have my lil' man.
Speaking of Matthew....his walking is getting so much better. He still looks a little "drunk" & drops on occassion BUT he's doing so much better.
Well better close for today. The baby wants something else to eat...LOL!!
Wayne actually got off at a decent hour last night. So Matthew & I walked up to the community parking compound to meet him for the walk home from his truck. Plus this gave Matthew playtime w/daddy....something he didn't get last week at all. The downfall to this was Matthew refused to go to bed last night. He felt he needed to stay up & play some more w/daddy. He must sense that he's not going to have much time the rest of the week w/him.
I'm feeling good. I start off really good in the morning, wide awake, etc. BUT then by about mid-morning I start "crashing". I don't get it!! I thought you were supposed to have more energy in your second trimester than the first & third. This is how I was with Matthew; exhausted every day thru the whole thing. I literally took a nap at my desk every day as well as resting/sleeping when I'd get home from work. BUT I can't do that now....I can still try to squeeze in a nap at lunch time at my desk but when I get home I can't just do nothing because I have my lil' man.
Speaking of Matthew....his walking is getting so much better. He still looks a little "drunk" & drops on occassion BUT he's doing so much better.
Well better close for today. The baby wants something else to eat...LOL!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I'm confused about something. We listen to the radio in the car all the time. It doesn't bother Matthew.....BUT when I turn on the radio at home(radio/cd), he starts crying...sobbing. I don't get it! What could be wrong? Could it be because he's just used to having the t.v. on more? I take him to the doctor on Friday for his 1 yr old shots(skipping the MMR shot til he's 18 months though). I'm going to make sure the doctor checks his ears & ask his opinion on what he thinks could be the problem.
Also; what do "babies/toddlers" dream about? The last two(2) nights Matthew has "woke up" crying. He's crying yet sound asleep still. I've heard it's because he's having a dream(nightmare) & can't wake himself up. BUT what could a child this young dream about that would be so scary?
I just don't get it!!
Typical day for me....starving(as usual)....& a little tired(but not as bad as "normal" far).
Also; what do "babies/toddlers" dream about? The last two(2) nights Matthew has "woke up" crying. He's crying yet sound asleep still. I've heard it's because he's having a dream(nightmare) & can't wake himself up. BUT what could a child this young dream about that would be so scary?
I just don't get it!!
Typical day for me....starving(as usual)....& a little tired(but not as bad as "normal" far).
Monday, August 4, 2008
More of his 1 yr old photos
Matthew 1 yr old photos
Why do some people feel like they always have to be negative? This irritates me so much. There's this one person who always makes me feel like an inferior mother. What really gets me is this person doesn't have kids! BUT whenever we discuss things going on w/Matthew...she always makes me feel like a horrible mother or like I'm not doing a good job. I know I shouldn't let it get to me BUT when you hear it on almost a daily basis it tends to where down your defenses, etc. Her latest(again) is on Matthew still cosleeping w/us for part of the night. ARGH!!
No offense to anyone BUT please for those of you who have an opinion on cosleeping....PLEASE keep it to yourself! We know that it's not always the best thing for the child(or the parents) BUT it does work for us(as well as others we've talked to).
We do appreciate all advice that's given to us but not when you "belittle" what we are doing as well.
I was asked by my aunt if we knew what we are having yet & if we'd already picked the name.
No, we don't know yet. I have my next ultrasound in two(2) weeks & that's when I am 18 weeks along. There's a chance she can tell us then BUT it can also be a "false" reading. If told it's a boy at that point...pretty much guaranteed it's a boy. If told it's a girl at that could be true or it could be a false reading. Boy "parts" don't always fully "drop"(develop) until week you can be given a false reading before then(I have friends who have gone thru this experience).
As for names.....girl= Savanna Jo(definite/set in stone); boy= Luke Austin(possible/not set in stone though).
No offense to anyone BUT please for those of you who have an opinion on cosleeping....PLEASE keep it to yourself! We know that it's not always the best thing for the child(or the parents) BUT it does work for us(as well as others we've talked to).
We do appreciate all advice that's given to us but not when you "belittle" what we are doing as well.
I was asked by my aunt if we knew what we are having yet & if we'd already picked the name.
No, we don't know yet. I have my next ultrasound in two(2) weeks & that's when I am 18 weeks along. There's a chance she can tell us then BUT it can also be a "false" reading. If told it's a boy at that point...pretty much guaranteed it's a boy. If told it's a girl at that could be true or it could be a false reading. Boy "parts" don't always fully "drop"(develop) until week you can be given a false reading before then(I have friends who have gone thru this experience).
As for names.....girl= Savanna Jo(definite/set in stone); boy= Luke Austin(possible/not set in stone though).
It seems it's going to be one of those days. I'm very tired this morning. I slept pretty good last night & was actually still sleeping(when my internal clock normally wakes me up) BUT this time Matthew woke me up. He was crying yet still asleep. He could only be comforted by me sitting up in the bed rocking him. For those of you who don't know....Matthew is a cosleeper. We have been trying for the last month to break him of it....BUT it's hard. Honestly he did better the first week of being in his own bed than he has in the last two. We also have an extra playyard in our room that we use to put him in during the middle of the night(if he "hogs" to much of the bed). I am hoping that we can eventually get him "broke" of cosleeping....preferably before this baby is We haven't minded cosleeping with works for us....BUT as he gets bigger he spreads out more.....leaving mommy & daddy both hanging on the edge of the bed...LOL!!
As of now, it has been decided that the new baby will not be a cosleeper....though I have already said that for the first two weeks(or so) the baby will sleep in our room in the bassinet. The reason for this is to make it easier on me(mommy) to handle any nighttime feedings. It'll be much easier to reach over pick baby up & let baby "latch" on. Some would question why not just get up & go to baby's room....the reasoning is I will be healing from having had a c-section & it's just easier on me(in the long run). I just have to remember not to do the laying down position w/baby because that's what led to Matthew being a cosleeper. BUT in my was better & less scarier for me to do the laying down position because in the beginning w/Matthew, I used to just sit up in the bed....well Wayne would wake up a little later & find Matthew "detached" & both of us sound asleep. It made Wayne(& myself) very nervous that I would drop him so I learned how to do the laying down position. BUT please don't judge us for cosleeping. It is what worked for us(& many others we have talked to about it).
Matthew is still a little "drunk" man in his walking BUT he is getting better. Last Friday I was laying down on his floor(while he was playing)...I guess I must've closed my eyes because next thing I know...I heard him "running" towards me. I opened my eyes just in time to "catch" him as he dove for me. He is so cute!! He loves to kiss his baby brother/sister. We'll say, "where's your baby brother/sister?" And he'll lift my shirt & point at my belly. Then he'll lean over & kiss my belly. SO CUTE!!!
Better close for today....have work to!!
As of now, it has been decided that the new baby will not be a cosleeper....though I have already said that for the first two weeks(or so) the baby will sleep in our room in the bassinet. The reason for this is to make it easier on me(mommy) to handle any nighttime feedings. It'll be much easier to reach over pick baby up & let baby "latch" on. Some would question why not just get up & go to baby's room....the reasoning is I will be healing from having had a c-section & it's just easier on me(in the long run). I just have to remember not to do the laying down position w/baby because that's what led to Matthew being a cosleeper. BUT in my was better & less scarier for me to do the laying down position because in the beginning w/Matthew, I used to just sit up in the bed....well Wayne would wake up a little later & find Matthew "detached" & both of us sound asleep. It made Wayne(& myself) very nervous that I would drop him so I learned how to do the laying down position. BUT please don't judge us for cosleeping. It is what worked for us(& many others we have talked to about it).
Matthew is still a little "drunk" man in his walking BUT he is getting better. Last Friday I was laying down on his floor(while he was playing)...I guess I must've closed my eyes because next thing I know...I heard him "running" towards me. I opened my eyes just in time to "catch" him as he dove for me. He is so cute!! He loves to kiss his baby brother/sister. We'll say, "where's your baby brother/sister?" And he'll lift my shirt & point at my belly. Then he'll lean over & kiss my belly. SO CUTE!!!
Better close for today....have work to!!
Friday, August 1, 2008
New blog
This is a new blog site for me. I will be journaling about my journeys through the pregnancy that I am going through as well as other stuff dealing w/our daily lives. For those of you who haven't read my other entries from the other site, here's the link to it.
This will bring you up to date with where I am at so far in the pregnancy & some of the other stuff we've been thru w/Matthew, etc.
So far today I am feeling pretty good. I'm just tired & hungry as I always
I still can't believe Matthew is one now. He's so cute!!! He is growing so big. He almost has walking down....still looks like a little drunk man BUT now goes further each time. He'll have it down soon.
Well I better get off here for now. Just pray for us as we go thru all the stages of pregnancy again.
This will bring you up to date with where I am at so far in the pregnancy & some of the other stuff we've been thru w/Matthew, etc.
So far today I am feeling pretty good. I'm just tired & hungry as I always
I still can't believe Matthew is one now. He's so cute!!! He is growing so big. He almost has walking down....still looks like a little drunk man BUT now goes further each time. He'll have it down soon.
Well I better get off here for now. Just pray for us as we go thru all the stages of pregnancy again.
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