Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I'm only in the 16th week of this pregnancy. My fingers are already much that I can barely get my rings off. I don't remember this happening this soon with Matthew. I know that say around like month 6 & 1/2 to 7(last time) is when I had to stop wearing my wedding set & my mom's wedding band. I was like the "shallow" person & bought a "cheap" larger size ring, so that people wouldn't think I was an unwed
Wayne actually got off at a decent hour last night. So Matthew & I walked up to the community parking compound to meet him for the walk home from his truck. Plus this gave Matthew playtime w/daddy....something he didn't get last week at all. The downfall to this was Matthew refused to go to bed last night. He felt he needed to stay up & play some more w/daddy. He must sense that he's not going to have much time the rest of the week w/him.
I'm feeling good. I start off really good in the morning, wide awake, etc. BUT then by about mid-morning I start "crashing". I don't get it!! I thought you were supposed to have more energy in your second trimester than the first & third. This is how I was with Matthew; exhausted every day thru the whole thing. I literally took a nap at my desk every day as well as resting/sleeping when I'd get home from work. BUT I can't do that now....I can still try to squeeze in a nap at lunch time at my desk but when I get home I can't just do nothing because I have my lil' man.
Speaking of Matthew....his walking is getting so much better. He still looks a little "drunk" & drops on occassion BUT he's doing so much better.
Well better close for today. The baby wants something else to eat...LOL!!