still a little dark!! He was pointing to what he wanted which was either his milk or his goldfish snacks.
He was so tuckered out. We went to Babies R Us to get our tandem stroller while my 20% coupon was still good as well as to use up my gift cards from my birthday. This was on the way home....daddy had handed him the teddy bear that his grandma Jo had given his mommy to be her car ride companion. Right after he was handed the bear, he fell right to sleep.
I had to take Matthew last week to the doctor's after hours care. His diaper rash was bothering him so much Tuesday night that when I put him in for his bath, he hated it. He cried & was moving trying to avoid sitting. So I asked him if he wanted mommy to take him to the doctor & he shook his head yes. So we called & got an "emergency hours" appointment. The weird thing is from the time I took him out of his bath til we got there & saw the had changed. It went from looking like regular diaper rash to looking like a yeast diaper rash(thus also the diagnosis). So then we went to Target & got his prescription. Then when we got home & were changing his diaper again for had changed back to the regular looking diaper rash. It was the weirdest thing. It's finally all better. I just hope it stays that way!
I'm feeling pretty good. The baby keeps shifting his that one day I'm carrying "high" & then the next "low" & sometimes both in one day. Emotionally, I'm so-so. Nothing to do w/the baby though. Just some other things going on that have me "irritated" & "out of sorts". I "can't" go into any details about this.....just keep me in your prayers. It'd be bad enough dealing w/these "feelings" at a regular time BUT add on top of it the pregnancy hormones...I can be extra emotional & sensitive.
Well better get back to work.