I had to take Matthew last week to the doctor's after hours care. His diaper rash was bothering him so much Tuesday night that when I put him in for his bath, he hated it. He cried & was moving trying to avoid sitting. So I asked him if he wanted mommy to take him to the doctor & he shook his head yes. So we called & got an "emergency hours" appointment. The weird thing is from the time I took him out of his bath til we got there & saw the doctor...it had changed. It went from looking like regular diaper rash to looking like a yeast diaper rash(thus also the diagnosis). So then we went to Target & got his prescription. Then when we got home & were changing his diaper again for bed...it had changed back to the regular looking diaper rash. It was the weirdest thing. It's finally all better. I just hope it stays that way!
I'm feeling pretty good. The baby keeps shifting his position...so that one day I'm carrying "high" & then the next "low" & sometimes both in one day. Emotionally, I'm so-so. Nothing to do w/the baby though. Just some other things going on that have me "irritated" & "out of sorts". I "can't" go into any details about this.....just keep me in your prayers. It'd be bad enough dealing w/these "feelings" at a regular time BUT add on top of it the pregnancy hormones...I can be extra emotional & sensitive.
Well better get back to work.