Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I apologize for not blogging sooner. I still need to upload Matthew's Halloween pics to my computer at home so that I can upload them on here for all of you to see.
I honestly just have not felt like doing anything the last week & a half. I will try to do better as I draw near to the end of this pregnancy & after as well.
I had a doctor's appointment this morning. I passed my glucola test w/flying colors. Doctor said everything's looking good. We scheduled my c-section as well. So this little bundle of joy will be making his appearance on Thursday, January 15th. The surgery starts around 12:30pm...which is the same time Matthew's was...so this one should be born right around the same time as his big brother.
As much as I love being pregnant(all the kicks etc), I am looking forward to being done as well. I'm at that point where I can't get comfortable anywhere(bed, work, etc). My big belly is just too heavy anymore....LOL!!!
Well better get ready to leave for the day. I will try to get the Halloween pics up soon!