Well I go to my doctor today. I'm in the stage of appointments every 2 wks now. I have to ask her if I had heard the ultrasound doctor correctly the last time when she said that I was 31 wks & 5 days but that the baby was 33 wks +. If so, there's a chance I won't make it to my January 15th scheduled c-section. Plus this past Sunday night, I was having contractions(at least I think they were contractions...LOL). I say think so because I never had them w/Matthew....so not completely sure what they feel like. I just know that whatever was happening was not something I ever felt w/Matthew. Who knows...maybe I was having sympathy pains for Wayne's cousin's wife who had their son Sunday night...LOL!!!
Oh yes....time for the BIG announcement!!!! It hasn't been told to everyone(not sure if all of Wayne's family knows yet or if they are still calling the baby..#2...his dad was told the name so I assume he told Wayne's mom & so forth)......this baby's name will be.....Luke Austin Rippel.
Well I better do some work seeing as I leave in a little less than an hour.