It seems it's going to be one of those days. I'm very tired this morning. I slept pretty good last night & was actually still sleeping(when my internal clock normally wakes me up) BUT this time Matthew woke me up. He was crying yet still asleep. He could only be comforted by me sitting up in the bed rocking him. For those of you who don't know....Matthew is a cosleeper. We have been trying for the last month to break him of it....BUT it's hard. Honestly he did better the first week of being in his own bed than he has in the last two. We also have an extra playyard in our room that we use to put him in during the middle of the night(if he "hogs" to much of the bed). I am hoping that we can eventually get him "broke" of cosleeping....preferably before this baby is We haven't minded cosleeping with works for us....BUT as he gets bigger he spreads out more.....leaving mommy & daddy both hanging on the edge of the bed...LOL!!
As of now, it has been decided that the new baby will not be a cosleeper....though I have already said that for the first two weeks(or so) the baby will sleep in our room in the bassinet. The reason for this is to make it easier on me(mommy) to handle any nighttime feedings. It'll be much easier to reach over pick baby up & let baby "latch" on. Some would question why not just get up & go to baby's room....the reasoning is I will be healing from having had a c-section & it's just easier on me(in the long run). I just have to remember not to do the laying down position w/baby because that's what led to Matthew being a cosleeper. BUT in my was better & less scarier for me to do the laying down position because in the beginning w/Matthew, I used to just sit up in the bed....well Wayne would wake up a little later & find Matthew "detached" & both of us sound asleep. It made Wayne(& myself) very nervous that I would drop him so I learned how to do the laying down position. BUT please don't judge us for cosleeping. It is what worked for us(& many others we have talked to about it).
Matthew is still a little "drunk" man in his walking BUT he is getting better. Last Friday I was laying down on his floor(while he was playing)...I guess I must've closed my eyes because next thing I know...I heard him "running" towards me. I opened my eyes just in time to "catch" him as he dove for me. He is so cute!! He loves to kiss his baby brother/sister. We'll say, "where's your baby brother/sister?" And he'll lift my shirt & point at my belly. Then he'll lean over & kiss my belly. SO CUTE!!!
Better close for today....have work to!!