Friday, December 26, 2008

3 WEEKS(minus 1 day) LEFT

My scheduled c-section is 3 weeks from yesterday(& not a moment too I can't wait!! I'm in the state of "misery". I can't get comfortable in any position(sitting, standing, laying, etc etc). Soon it'll be over though & I'll have precious little Luke joining our family.
Hate to say it but so glad Christmas is over. We changed it up a little this year. We only went to his parents for Christmas eve(instead of both eve & day/night). Then we went to dad & Hazel's for lunch on Christmas day.
I feel so bad for dad & Hazel. I had to use them as babysitters that one day & I guess it traumitized Matthew. He is such a "creature of habit" & to have a "monkey wrench" thrown into his has apparently "scarred" him. Now every time we go to their house...he starts crying as soon as we get to the front door. I'm hoping he'll grow out of this. And hopefully he won't cry when they come over to our house the next time. His reaction each time(now) is really hurting them. I feel so bad BUT there's nothing I can really do about it.
I just found out a few days ago that one of my really good friends will be in town when I have Luke. I can't wait to see her. I hope & pray she is able to make it to the hospital to see me.
Well I better start thinking about doing a little work while I'm here....LOL!!!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!! We used a disposable camera for our pictures this time as soon as I get them developed & a disk(or scanned to my home computer) I'll post them on here.
Matthew hadn't quite grasped the concept of unwrapping the gifts yet...BUT he had a blast with everything he got for Christmas!!
More in a while!!