I hate Sunday nights!!! For some reason, no matter how tired I am; I can't seem to fall asleep on Sunday nights. Last night was no exception. Not sure exactly what contributed to it last night because I was exhausted but only slept maybe an hour out of the 7 1/2 I was in bed. I don't know if it's just the fact that I can't get comfortable anymore or if it's the fact of Wayne & Matthew flopping around like fish.(yes i said Matthew....Wayne wanted him w/us last night for some reason...I think because Matthew hasn't been feeling "great")
Matthew's cutting more teeth & having issues w/them. He has been fighting w/a diaper rash since the beginning of this month because of the teeth. However, it got better around Weds. of last week but came back w/a vengeance this past Sat. Several people asked if it was because we'd given him something different to eat but he's eating all the same foods as usual.
Well, we have picked a name out for the new baby. You'll have to stay tuned to find out what it is because we are not telling anyone at this time...LOL!!!
Oh, & we decided on the hospital. We still haven't seen the 2nd one but decided for more visits from Matthew as well as Wayne(& maybe my dad & Hazel this time) to go w/the closer one that we used last time. Hopefully I'll have a better experience this time.