Thursday, January 8, 2009


YEA!!!! 1 week from today & Luke will be in this world. We are excited!! I am a little apprehensive as to how Matthew will react to his baby brother....BUT hopefully he'll be fine. We've been trying to spend as much time with him as possible for the last week or so, as well as this coming weekend(as it is his last weekend as an only child). Everything is ready for Luke's arrival except for getting the carseat back in the car & putting back on the fabric pieces(that I washed) for the swing & bouncey seat....all of which will hopefully get done by Saturday afternoon so that Sunday we can go to church & then spend rest of day just goofing off w/Matthew. I am hoping to get the house & laundry all done on Saturday so that Sunday is just a goof off day. I'd really like to be all caught up so that the last three nights before Luke's arrival that I don't have to "work" every night after working all day.
The ultrasound doctor on Tuesday said that the guesstimation of his weight is 7.5lbs(give or take a pound)....I said probably give...I really think he's going to out weigh Matthew at birth. Matthew was 7.4lbs....I really feel Luke will be at least 8+lbs. With the time frame of my surgery
both boys will have been born at almost the same exact time....which I think is pretty cool. My biggest "challenge" is not being able to drink anything after midnight. With my sinuses the way they are I'm up a couple of times just for a drink....BUT I can't that night....I can only "swish" out my mouth. And then no breakfast....I have to sit there & watch Wayne & Matthew eat & drink while I can't have anything....not fair Crying 2.
Well I better get to work. I will try to blog between now & delivery day. If not, I will be on as soon as I feel up to it after I get home. I come home on then it might be like Wednesday the earliest....we'll see.