Well Wayne finally knows what it's like to be with the kids & have one being super cranky & the other fine except when "starving". Matthew was having a really bad day yesterday. He was super cranky. I'm not sure if he was just over tired or if it's from his teeth that are coming in. BUT now Wayne has seen first hand what I go thru on a daily basis....not that Matthew is super cranky every day...just on occassion.
Both boys are down for a nap. I must be crazy to still be on the computer when I could be sleeping too. LOL!!! But it's also my soap opera time(YES!!! I am addicted to them again...as I always am when I'm off work for any amount of time).
I'm going to be working up a learning schedule for Matthew. He's already smart...knowing a lot of words that most kids his age don't know. I wish I had an extra $200....there's a learning program for kids ages 3 months to 5 years called Your Baby Can Read. It's a wonderful program!!! I want to do something like it w/Matthew.
Well by the sounds I'm hearing..it sounds like Luke may be about ready to eat again.