Sunday, February 1, 2009


We took Matthew & Luke to the doctor yesterday. Matthew was there for his 18 month old shots & Luke for his 2 week old shot. Matthew also had to have his MMR shot that I held off on having. I was "scared" of it. I was afraid that with the luck we always seem to have that he'd be one of the few that would develop autism from it(though they say that's not possible). On the way home from the doctor he must have gotten tired from the shots because he wouldn't hardly talk which freaked me out...BUT then he finally came around & started talking like he normally does.
Luke went to his first party yesterday as well. Our friend's son is turning one & she had his party we stopped by for a few minutes. Mathew seemed to have fun while he was there.

Back to a comment I made in my last blog...about wondering if I was going thru post partum depression. I did some research on the subject...I am not suffering from that. I had/have what is known as "baby blues". Easy to cry, emotional, etc etc. This is all I had. I would cry the first week when Wayne's parents would bring Matthew home from their house because he would stand at the door & cry for them & refused to be comforted by me. This would hurt my felings & I'd end up crying. It's better now that he's been staying at home all day with me.
Matthew has been very helpful & loving with his baby brother. He loves to hold him & kiss him etc etc.
Well I got a phone call from the girl who was going to watch the boys for me....she called to say that she's not going to be able to watch them now. I guess this works out good so that now I don't have to blame it on Wayne when I quit.
Well better sign off for now....Matthew just woke up & wants mommy.