Introducing Luke Austin Rippel. This is him resting at home while mommy is snapping pictures.
He was born on January 15,2009 at 1:05pm....weighing in at 8lbs 1oz....and 19 & 1/2 inches tall.
Let me just say that my experience with this birth was totally different than with Matthew. I knew what to expect this time but some of the stuff that happened I don't remember happening the last time. This time I was looking up in the lights of the OR & realized I could see everything they were doing(kinda gross) I stopped looking 'til they actually got Luke out & then I looked back into the light & saw him.
Recovery was a bit different too. I got up the next moning was able to do everything they needed me to do & was up most of the day moving around. I again did not keep baby the first night I was supposed to because I believe I "over did" it that day so I was in pain.
Matthew loves his baby brother & is already very protective of him. A nurse came to take Luke for a test & Matthew screamed & cried 'til she brought him back. He has been very helpful with Luke. He helps me burp him, gets me diapers etc. What a big boy helper.
Sadly though, I think I may be suffering a little bit of post partum depression. I don't know for sure but I'm more emotional now & can cry at the drop of a hat. I'll go into more detail about this later....right now I have to go...someone's calling for "lunch".