Here is a picture(taken 4 hours after the "accident") of Matthew's first real injury. It looks good here...especially compared to what it looked like when it first happened. I was in working in his room, trying to get it ready for Luke's arrival. He was supposed to be playing with daddy in the living room but decided he needed to see what mommy was doing. Well we had the crib pulled away from the wall & he went behind it & fell. He started crying, so I picked him up....took him out of the room & asked him if he bumped his head or what he had bumped. Well as I asked him I brushed his hair to the side & there was this huge, nasty knot on his forehead. It had a bloody looking line going right thru the center of it. I think if he had rubbed it anymore or we had pushed on it too hard it would have "erupted". So I ran to get the ice pack. Wayne snatched him away from me & wouldn't let me near him. Of course Matthew refused to let us hold the ice pack on it at all. So Wayne took him outside, making him walk around etc while I called to get an "emergency appointment" at his doctor's office(thank God for Pediatric Associates & having emergency hours 365 days a year). They told me on the phone that since he hadn't blacked out, thrown up etc that he was fine BUT went ahead & set up an appointment for us & our peace of mind to see the doctor. This happened at 11am & earliest they could take us though was 1:45pm.
This worried me since he was due to take a nap. They assured me it was fine to let him sleep as long as we kept him up for a little while right after it happened. Then she said to just check on him every hour....so I held him & every 15 minutes would "nibble" his finger to make him "squirm" a bit. We went to the doctor & she said he was fine...he might just have a black eye in the next day or two when the swelling goes down & he "bruises" more.
After getting home though, Wayne became very overprotective & wouldn't hardly let Matthew do anything at all. Sadly, even though he swears he doesn't blame me for it happening...Wayne does blame me. He said that when I saw Matthew come in to the room that I should've dropped evrything I was doing to watch him. We still don't know if he hit his head on the leg/foot of his crib or on his fire truck that was right there as well.