Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Introducing Luke Austin Rippel. This is him resting at home while mommy is snapping pictures.
He was born on January 15,2009 at 1:05pm....weighing in at 8lbs 1oz....and 19 & 1/2 inches tall.
Let me just say that my experience with this birth was totally different than with Matthew. I knew what to expect this time but some of the stuff that happened I don't remember happening the last time. This time I was looking up in the lights of the OR & realized I could see everything they were doing(kinda gross)....so I stopped looking 'til they actually got Luke out & then I looked back into the light & saw him.
Recovery was a bit different too. I got up the next moning was able to do everything they needed me to do & was up most of the day moving around. I again did not keep baby the first night I was supposed to because I believe I "over did" it that day so I was in pain.
Matthew loves his baby brother & is already very protective of him. A nurse came to take Luke for a test & Matthew screamed & cried 'til she brought him back. He has been very helpful with Luke. He helps me burp him, gets me diapers etc. What a big boy helper.
Sadly though, I think I may be suffering a little bit of post partum depression. I don't know for sure but I'm more emotional now & can cry at the drop of a hat. I'll go into more detail about this later....right now I have to go...someone's calling for "lunch".
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I have everything ready at home. The only thing we haven't done yet is put the infant carseat back in the car. We were supposed to get that done this past weekend BUT Wayne's back was hurting from being in 2 attics a day for 3 or 4 days straight. So he says he'll do it tomorrow before we go to the hospital....otherwise he'll have to do it by himself sometime before he picks us up at the hospital on Sunday.
I had to pack a different coming home outfit for Luke because our weather changed. I only had cute onesies packed BUT since we got a cold snap that's supposed to last thru the weekend I had to find an outfit that was a little warmer(which was hard since Matthew was born in the summer & mainly had "summery" clothes). Hopefully the one I did find won't be too big on him.
Well, I better look like I'm doing some work. This will be my last blog for a few days. Will be back on sometime next week...hopefully.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I will try to blog between now & Wednesday(or maybe Thursday morning) but if not will be back on ASAP after coming home from the hospital.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The ultrasound doctor on Tuesday said that the guesstimation of his weight is 7.5lbs(give or take a pound)....I said probably give...I really think he's going to out weigh Matthew at birth. Matthew was 7.4lbs....I really feel Luke will be at least 8+lbs. With the time frame of my surgery
both boys will have been born at almost the same exact time....which I think is pretty cool. My biggest "challenge" is not being able to drink anything after midnight. With my sinuses the way they are I'm up a couple of times just for a drink....BUT I can't that night....I can only "swish" out my mouth. And then no breakfast....I have to sit there & watch Wayne & Matthew eat & drink while I can't have anything....not fair
Well I better get to work. I will try to blog between now & delivery day. If not, I will be on as soon as I feel up to it after I get home. I come home on Sunday....so then it might be like Wednesday the earliest....we'll see.
Monday, January 5, 2009

This worried me since he was due to take a nap. They assured me it was fine to let him sleep as long as we kept him up for a little while right after it happened. Then she said to just check on him every hour....so I held him & every 15 minutes would "nibble" his finger to make him "squirm" a bit. We went to the doctor & she said he was fine...he might just have a black eye in the next day or two when the swelling goes down & he "bruises" more.
After getting home though, Wayne became very overprotective & wouldn't hardly let Matthew do anything at all. Sadly, even though he swears he doesn't blame me for it happening...Wayne does blame me. He said that when I saw Matthew come in to the room that I should've dropped evrything I was doing to watch him. We still don't know if he hit his head on the leg/foot of his crib or on his fire truck that was right there as well.
Friday, January 2, 2009
We're hoping to get some assistance w/getting our mortgage cut down(in 1/2 would be wonderful)....so that I won't have to go back to work. As of right now I need to go back...BUT....there's been a snag in my plan of going back. I knew Wayne's parents(mom really) would not be able to take care of two little ones so I checked into daycares in the area. YIKES!!!! The prices are so high & w/what little I make I couldn't even afford it....my check wouldn't cover but like 1 & 1/2 wks w/nothing left for me. So then I talked to my one friend about watching them(she's a stay at home mom). I had it all arranged...$150/wk for both kids. Only drawback is she lives like 20 miles away from us & about 10-15 miles away from my work. BUT I was gonna bite the bullet & do it anyways. Well I guess in all the talks about it...Wayne never heard me say that she would have to put them in the car to take 1 of her kids to school(right around the corner from her house...not a 5 minute drive)....he didn't hear it 'til I was talking w/my dad & Hazel about it....then all of a sudden he started "freaking" out about her driving them around. So he put his foot down about it...so now I can't use her "services". So now I really have no choice but to not return to work.....which is a slight problem....well not for me but for my boss. She wanted to know back at the beginning of December if I was quitting....so she could hire someone & I could train them before leaving. Well lucky for her, we closed a store & the manager is training to "fill-in" for me while I'm on leave. I just can't bring myself to tell her I'm not coming back....I guess I'm hoping things will change so that I could come back.
Well I better get back to work.