I'm so sick of being sick. Both boys have a little of it(Luke's got a runny nose & Matthew has some congestion)....mine started w/a sore throat & now it's in my nose....UGH!!! It never fails....I'm either sick on Thanksgiving or Christmas....sometimes both.
Luke's working on his 4th tooth. And he's still getting very close to walking....soon!! Matthew is talking up a storm...new words every day.
I started watching the old Christmas shows w/him. He loves Frosty the Snowman. BUT he also loves all the Santa's in every show(yet he's scared of the 1 in the mall)...lol!!
I have a wonderful church family. They provided us w/the food to make a Thanksgiving meal. It was sweet of them! They know we are struggling & they decided we needed their help. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful church family.
OUCH!!!! I'm starting to get body pains...UGH!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
October 2009
It's been a long month. Too much stuff going on this past month that kept me from being able to update our blog.
Luke turned 9 months on the 15th....went & had his check-up....he was not real happy getting his shots though. Wayne went w/us...he wasn't too happy w/needles being in the same room as him...lol
Luke started saying "mama". Now that's how he wakes us up every morning. SWEET!!! He also started clapping(on his own) on the 28th of October. We were over at Wayne's parents & PaPa was holding him & he just started clapping. Luke is so close to walking. He wants to do it...you can see it in his face. He has mastered pulling up....has had that down for a long time now. He was doing that way early...according to the info I've seen on the internet as well as in books & the info given from the doctor.
Luke wants to be everywhere his big brother is.....follows him everywhere.
Matthew is talking so much now. He makes so many different sentences. It's amazing! He picks up words fast now...gotta watch what is said..lol!
The other day, we were headed over to Wayne's parents & Matthew saw McDonalds....he said I want chicken & fries...lol He also will ask for fries when we do the drive thru at the bank...lol Now don't get me wrong....we don't eat junk/fast food all the time. He just has a memory like an elephant. He will remember that you told him yesterday what he/you would do today. Smart lil' booger!!
I took them to Little Blessings Fall Party last Thursday. They got to dress in their costumes. Too cute!! We went even though dad & Hazel weren't there. Dad stopped by but only long enough to say "hi" & take a picture. Of course this threw Matthew off. He refused to do anything. He stuck by my side the whole time...total opposite of what he did last time we went. It was rough on me because I also had to deal w/Luke. Usually dad & Hazel watch him while Matthew & I "play" but w/them not there, I had to "play" w/him too. There was only 1 of the usual grandmas & grandpas there & she had her hands full w/another lil' one.
Hard to believe Christmas is not far off. Sadly, we can't afford even a "meager" Christmas for the boys. I know they won't remember it BUT you never get to have your 1st Christmas ever again.
We were looking at letting our house go & rent a house instead. It's sad but we can rent a bigger place for way cheaper than our mortgages(& thats w/them both being modified). We stopped looking for a place after our little mortgage got modified. Thats also when the work slowed way down for Wayne as well. Plus we are still trying to get assistance from the Dept. of Labor in getting his last check from Aztil. It's been 2 months since he quit there & they refuse to release his check...cuz he left them "high & dry".
I'll post pics from Halloween in another blog.
Luke turned 9 months on the 15th....went & had his check-up....he was not real happy getting his shots though. Wayne went w/us...he wasn't too happy w/needles being in the same room as him...lol
Luke started saying "mama". Now that's how he wakes us up every morning. SWEET!!! He also started clapping(on his own) on the 28th of October. We were over at Wayne's parents & PaPa was holding him & he just started clapping. Luke is so close to walking. He wants to do it...you can see it in his face. He has mastered pulling up....has had that down for a long time now. He was doing that way early...according to the info I've seen on the internet as well as in books & the info given from the doctor.
Luke wants to be everywhere his big brother is.....follows him everywhere.
Matthew is talking so much now. He makes so many different sentences. It's amazing! He picks up words fast now...gotta watch what is said..lol!
The other day, we were headed over to Wayne's parents & Matthew saw McDonalds....he said I want chicken & fries...lol He also will ask for fries when we do the drive thru at the bank...lol Now don't get me wrong....we don't eat junk/fast food all the time. He just has a memory like an elephant. He will remember that you told him yesterday what he/you would do today. Smart lil' booger!!
I took them to Little Blessings Fall Party last Thursday. They got to dress in their costumes. Too cute!! We went even though dad & Hazel weren't there. Dad stopped by but only long enough to say "hi" & take a picture. Of course this threw Matthew off. He refused to do anything. He stuck by my side the whole time...total opposite of what he did last time we went. It was rough on me because I also had to deal w/Luke. Usually dad & Hazel watch him while Matthew & I "play" but w/them not there, I had to "play" w/him too. There was only 1 of the usual grandmas & grandpas there & she had her hands full w/another lil' one.
Hard to believe Christmas is not far off. Sadly, we can't afford even a "meager" Christmas for the boys. I know they won't remember it BUT you never get to have your 1st Christmas ever again.
We were looking at letting our house go & rent a house instead. It's sad but we can rent a bigger place for way cheaper than our mortgages(& thats w/them both being modified). We stopped looking for a place after our little mortgage got modified. Thats also when the work slowed way down for Wayne as well. Plus we are still trying to get assistance from the Dept. of Labor in getting his last check from Aztil. It's been 2 months since he quit there & they refuse to release his check...cuz he left them "high & dry".
I'll post pics from Halloween in another blog.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
We went to Little Blessings at dad's church. Matthew had fun. He actually went over on his own to get whatever item was needed for the activity; as well as put it away when told to do so. His behavior amazed PaPa & Ninnie as well as mommy.
Have to laugh....the other day, dad & Hazel came over. Matthew was very set on getting the hand sanitizer. Dad thinks it's very abnormal for a child his age to be so into hygiene. Matthew loves to wash his hands, use hand sanitizer, etc, etc.
I pulled a dress-a-like thing today w/the boys. Matthew has 2 identical shirts(same sizes as well) & 2 pairs of shorts(2 sizes). I dressed them both in them. It was too cute!! I hope to get a picture of them before the day is over. Yes, they can pretty much wear the same sizes now...lol.
Today is the first day I've left the house "alone" since all the break-in attempts. Praise the Lord...He kept it safe while we were gone. I feel a little better now about being able to run out every once in a while....I probably still won't do as much running as I used to do.
I love my little men! They are such a blessing! I especially love when they wrap their arms around my neck & give me their biggest bear hug. And the kisses!! These little actions melt my heart!! I praise the Lord each & every day for my darling , little boys!!
Have to laugh....the other day, dad & Hazel came over. Matthew was very set on getting the hand sanitizer. Dad thinks it's very abnormal for a child his age to be so into hygiene. Matthew loves to wash his hands, use hand sanitizer, etc, etc.
I pulled a dress-a-like thing today w/the boys. Matthew has 2 identical shirts(same sizes as well) & 2 pairs of shorts(2 sizes). I dressed them both in them. It was too cute!! I hope to get a picture of them before the day is over. Yes, they can pretty much wear the same sizes now...lol.
Today is the first day I've left the house "alone" since all the break-in attempts. Praise the Lord...He kept it safe while we were gone. I feel a little better now about being able to run out every once in a while....I probably still won't do as much running as I used to do.
I love my little men! They are such a blessing! I especially love when they wrap their arms around my neck & give me their biggest bear hug. And the kisses!! These little actions melt my heart!! I praise the Lord each & every day for my darling , little boys!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Just went over about 36 flashcards w/Matthew. Out of those, by sight he knew what 26 were but could say all 36. TOO COOL!!!
I'm starting "school" w/him next week. I've tried before but have gotten lazy in it. BUT, I will try again. I figure we'll concentrate on a letter of the alphabet every 2 weeks....that way after a year he's covered the whole alphabet. Just hope I can keep myself focused on doing it. Better since as of now I plan on home schooling both boys.
I'm starting "school" w/him next week. I've tried before but have gotten lazy in it. BUT, I will try again. I figure we'll concentrate on a letter of the alphabet every 2 weeks....that way after a year he's covered the whole alphabet. Just hope I can keep myself focused on doing it. Better since as of now I plan on home schooling both boys.

My little boys are such precious angels!! They are growing so fast. Luke can actually now wear some of his big brother's clothes....WOW!!!
Matthew is talking up a storm...new words daily...even some spanish he learned from watching Handy Manny. Speaking of Handy Manny....yesterday he watched as daddy "tripped" over the threshhold 'tween our bedroom & our bathroom. It came off & he said; "uh-oh! Handy Manny, tools!" It was too funny!
Luke is learning to pull himself up now. He's really good at pulling up onto his knees...but yesterday he pulled up to his feet a couple of times. It won't be long now before he's walking. WOW!! Time flies! He also loves his big brother. He follows him around like there's no tomorrow.
My sweet & precious little angels!! I am truly blessed with/by these two wonderful little boys of mine.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Nerves have had me "on edge" the last few days/nights. First, Matthew has been watching this one Mickey video(old school Mickey). Every time one of the shows is over he calls me to restart...so I have to say no keep watching, here comes another one. This has been going on all afternoon today as well & is getting really old....ARGH!!
Secondly, the stress/nervousness of knowing someone has tried to break into the house. Wayne's dad looked at the door today. He said the deadbolts we have, once in locked position, can NOT be pryed open. This is a little reassuring to me. He also went w/me to Lowes to find another form of locking mechanism for the patio door. I also got alarms for all the doors & windows. We also are going to get rid of the hedges around our backyard/fence. It sucks that we have to do that because then we lose our privacy BUT it'll open it up so our friends across the street(on the right side of our house) can see if anyone enters our backyard. And we are going to invest in security cameras(ones you can hook up to a vcr & record)....this way we have "proof" if needed(praying it's never needed though).
Luke started waving last week.....so CUTE!!! He'll even be nursing, catch me looking down at him & he'll pull his hand away & start waving at me. TOO CUTE!!! He is getting better at pulling up...he's gonna walk soon I think.
Matthew is finally learning how to say his own name. He has always called himself me...but now he's getting Matthew down. He's learning so many words....a sponge....lol. Watch what you say now...lol!!!
We are all better this week. Last week, Matthew woke up w/a fever one day. The next day, I woke w/a cold; then Wayne got it the next day. But now we are all better.
Secondly, the stress/nervousness of knowing someone has tried to break into the house. Wayne's dad looked at the door today. He said the deadbolts we have, once in locked position, can NOT be pryed open. This is a little reassuring to me. He also went w/me to Lowes to find another form of locking mechanism for the patio door. I also got alarms for all the doors & windows. We also are going to get rid of the hedges around our backyard/fence. It sucks that we have to do that because then we lose our privacy BUT it'll open it up so our friends across the street(on the right side of our house) can see if anyone enters our backyard. And we are going to invest in security cameras(ones you can hook up to a vcr & record)....this way we have "proof" if needed(praying it's never needed though).
Luke started waving last week.....so CUTE!!! He'll even be nursing, catch me looking down at him & he'll pull his hand away & start waving at me. TOO CUTE!!! He is getting better at pulling up...he's gonna walk soon I think.
Matthew is finally learning how to say his own name. He has always called himself me...but now he's getting Matthew down. He's learning so many words....a sponge....lol. Watch what you say now...lol!!!
We are all better this week. Last week, Matthew woke up w/a fever one day. The next day, I woke w/a cold; then Wayne got it the next day. But now we are all better.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
We are in the midst of making a decision regarding Wayne's job. Right now, he's working for this one a/c company. He went to it a little over a year ago in order to make more money(especially since we were expecting another baby). I hate to say it, but he doesn't seem happy anymore....especially lately. He seems upset & stressed a lot more. It can get unnerving!! Well now, the company he worked at before this one....wants him back. They've been trying to get him back for the last month or so. The boss from that company finally got to talk to Wayne yesterday. He told him what he had to offer. They have switched how they pay the guys. Wayne would make more per job there than where he's at now. The only downfall is winter time w/the company wanting him, is slower than w/the one he's w/right now. BUT, the boss used to always find things for the guys to do(even if it didn't have anything to do w/doing a/c). I thought a decision had been made last night but when I asked him this morning ,he said he didn't know yet. I'm not sure if he meant he wasn't sure he was switching or if he wasn't sure how he was going to quit(just up & quit or give 2 wks notice).
I haven't heard from him all day, so I don't know if they've ticked him off anymore like they had yesterday. The installers were yelled at collectively(for the mistakes of just a couple); then they were told that from now on they too would be on-call on the weekends; & then informed that they do NOT get paid holiday or vacation pay(which he was told when he was hired that they did get). If he goes back to his "old" job; the boss said he'd hire him back right where he left off.....it'll be like he never left....2 wks vacation(right off), eligible for insurance right away, etc, etc.
We ask for prayers from everyone regarding this situation.
I haven't heard from him all day, so I don't know if they've ticked him off anymore like they had yesterday. The installers were yelled at collectively(for the mistakes of just a couple); then they were told that from now on they too would be on-call on the weekends; & then informed that they do NOT get paid holiday or vacation pay(which he was told when he was hired that they did get). If he goes back to his "old" job; the boss said he'd hire him back right where he left off.....it'll be like he never left....2 wks vacation(right off), eligible for insurance right away, etc, etc.
We ask for prayers from everyone regarding this situation.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Things that make you go hhhhmmmm
Things that make me go hhhhmmmm.....I realized this weekend, after something was mentioned about this time last year(that I couldn't remember)...
that I had blocked out everything after the one "life-changing" day I had last August. It has been a year since I learned that all important lesson. A year of learning how some people truly feel about me. A year of pretending that it didn't hurt being called "white trailer trash" by a "family" member & being told I'm not really family cuz I'm not blood. That one day changed my life forever. It could've changed my life even more if the stress from that situation had caused anything to happen to my precious Luke. I have to say...I don't think I could've forgiven anyone involved if something would've happened to him. Honestly, I even think Wayne would've been angry & unforgiving as well. What a difference a year makes! I still go & "pretend" I don't know the things I do.....takes a LOT of my acting skills sometimes(which would make my cousin Barry proud...lol)...I just go, grin & bear it! Some of my friends are amazed that I can do it at all. I just say, sometimes it's not bad; others requires a little more "tongue-biting" etc on my part. Now don't get me wrong, I can get along w/those involved BUT I'm always, constantly "on my guard". I don't say everything I'd like to say...for fear it comes back to bite me(how everything started last year...said something, words were twisted, re-told totally wrong , & thus the literal day from hell in my life). I guard all my thoughts & words now, no matter who I'm around...this is kind of sad(in a way) but it seems to be the best way for me to handle it.
I can finally say(@ least on this subject); LESSON LEARNED!!!
that I had blocked out everything after the one "life-changing" day I had last August. It has been a year since I learned that all important lesson. A year of learning how some people truly feel about me. A year of pretending that it didn't hurt being called "white trailer trash" by a "family" member & being told I'm not really family cuz I'm not blood. That one day changed my life forever. It could've changed my life even more if the stress from that situation had caused anything to happen to my precious Luke. I have to say...I don't think I could've forgiven anyone involved if something would've happened to him. Honestly, I even think Wayne would've been angry & unforgiving as well. What a difference a year makes! I still go & "pretend" I don't know the things I do.....takes a LOT of my acting skills sometimes(which would make my cousin Barry proud...lol)...I just go, grin & bear it! Some of my friends are amazed that I can do it at all. I just say, sometimes it's not bad; others requires a little more "tongue-biting" etc on my part. Now don't get me wrong, I can get along w/those involved BUT I'm always, constantly "on my guard". I don't say everything I'd like to say...for fear it comes back to bite me(how everything started last year...said something, words were twisted, re-told totally wrong , & thus the literal day from hell in my life). I guard all my thoughts & words now, no matter who I'm around...this is kind of sad(in a way) but it seems to be the best way for me to handle it.
I can finally say(@ least on this subject); LESSON LEARNED!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

sitting up all by his self crawling thru the "playhouse"

up close & personal trying to escape

watching tv in the playroom ready for his close up

distracted by tv program day 1 put self down for nap

day 2 putting self down for nap...also put self to bed that way....sweet!!!

up close & personal trying to escape

watching tv in the playroom ready for his close up

day 2 putting self down for nap...also put self to bed that way....sweet!!!
These are the latest pics of my darling, sweet boys. They play fairly well together. Luke loves to be wherever his big brother is & will follow him all over. Matthew loves to play w/Luke but sometimes forgets that he is still "small" & fragile.
We are laying odds that Luke will surpass Matthew size-wise in the next 6-9 months. Right now, he's 7lbs lighter & 7" shorter.....& growing like a weed.
I'm so glad I was able to stay home after having Luke. I see how much I missed of Matthew's first year. BUT...I'm getting to see it all w/Luke & also watch both my boys change & grow from day to day. I love it!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009

They are both growing so fast. It's hard to believe that one is almost 25 months & the other is 7 months old. Time flies!! It seems just like yesterday I was waking Wayne up telling him I was pregnant w/Matthew.
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Matthew turned 2 this past Saturday. We celebrated it as a family on the actual day & had a party for family & friends on Sunday. Originally the theme of his party was to be Handy Manny...but then he saw Disney The Cars so we had to switch themes. Thank goodness I hadn't bought everything in HM yet.
The party was a success. Matthew enjoyed himself. These are just a few of the pics from his party. Way too many to upload...lol...so just picked a couple. To give an idea on decorations....I painted up "street signs" to hang around....stop sign, do not enter, yield, caution children at play, & present unloading zone. Everyone had fun!
Can't believe he's 2 already. My sweet little man!!

We took Matthew to Lion Country Safari the week before his birthday...sort of a pre-celebration. It was unbearably hot(what's new here in south Florida...lol). But despite the heat, Matthew enjoyed himself. I'll be showing a few of the pics from that day....not all but a few. I figure most people would rather see pics of us versus the animals...lol
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
YEA!!! Finally have internet again. Got my air card late Monday night....yea!! So happy to be back on & able to communicate w/my peeps.
The boys are getting bigger by the day. It's hard to believe that Matthew will be 2 years old in 24 days(7/25). I remember being pregnant w/him like it was yesterday. He was such an easy pregnancy. I remember when the doctor pulled him out; what a wonderful, amazing moment in our lives.
I'll be uploading some pics later of the pics on the boys walls(bedroom & playroom). It took a few days to do BUT I thoroughly enjoyed doing it. I wished I'd had more walls to do...lol
The boys are getting bigger by the day. It's hard to believe that Matthew will be 2 years old in 24 days(7/25). I remember being pregnant w/him like it was yesterday. He was such an easy pregnancy. I remember when the doctor pulled him out; what a wonderful, amazing moment in our lives.
I'll be uploading some pics later of the pics on the boys walls(bedroom & playroom). It took a few days to do BUT I thoroughly enjoyed doing it. I wished I'd had more walls to do...lol
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Hate not having internet at home. We ordered an air card for my computer yesterday & it was supposed to be here today but they never called!!! So angry!! And sad!!! Miss being able to talk to my peeps!!!
Boys are growing by leaps & bounds!! Matthew's still working on potty training. Luke's eating cereal & other stuff up a storm.
Still need my rich uncle to get out of the poor house though...LOL
Boys are growing by leaps & bounds!! Matthew's still working on potty training. Luke's eating cereal & other stuff up a storm.
Still need my rich uncle to get out of the poor house though...LOL
Saturday, June 6, 2009
YEA!!! Three days in a row of going on the potty(at least once in the day)!!! Way to go Matthew!!! What a big boy!!! He's doing good. Now if he'd just do it every time. I usually catch him when he starts his pacing 'round & 'round to go poopies. That's the most of his potty trips. Though last night he also went just peepee on the potty. Yesterday was a big day....two times on the potty. Way to go my lil' man!!!
Luke had his first blow out diaper of his life(just now). It was so bad he had to have a bath afterwards.
Sorry for those of you w/"weak" stomachs....this is our life right now...lol
Can't wait to get my computer(s) working on the internet again. Hopefully very soon!!
Luke had his first blow out diaper of his life(just now). It was so bad he had to have a bath afterwards.
Sorry for those of you w/"weak" stomachs....this is our life right now...lol
Can't wait to get my computer(s) working on the internet again. Hopefully very soon!!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
There have been some changes around here. First, Luke is now able to et cereal. He had his first "meal" last night. He didn't do bad & he ate almost all of it(a tablespoon's worth). Pics are above of this feeding. I swear the pics are better than this....they aren't coming out good on this blog or facebook :(
The other change is...Matthew has decided that the theme of his birthday party should no longer be Handy Manny but Cars. The bonus to this is....Party City has everything I need.....the downfall is I'll have to spend more money because of having to buy the stuff & not being able to print it from online like Handy Manny. But it's his choice....& who knows, he may change his mind back before then. He changed it this time because he just got some Hot Wheels yesterday as well as having watched the Cars movie last night.
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