sitting up all by his self crawling thru the "playhouse"

up close & personal trying to escape

watching tv in the playroom ready for his close up

distracted by tv program day 1 put self down for nap

day 2 putting self down for nap...also put self to bed that way....sweet!!!

up close & personal trying to escape

watching tv in the playroom ready for his close up

day 2 putting self down for nap...also put self to bed that way....sweet!!!
These are the latest pics of my darling, sweet boys. They play fairly well together. Luke loves to be wherever his big brother is & will follow him all over. Matthew loves to play w/Luke but sometimes forgets that he is still "small" & fragile.
We are laying odds that Luke will surpass Matthew size-wise in the next 6-9 months. Right now, he's 7lbs lighter & 7" shorter.....& growing like a weed.
I'm so glad I was able to stay home after having Luke. I see how much I missed of Matthew's first year. BUT...I'm getting to see it all w/Luke & also watch both my boys change & grow from day to day. I love it!!!