My little boys are such precious angels!! They are growing so fast. Luke can actually now wear some of his big brother's clothes....WOW!!!
Matthew is talking up a storm...new words daily...even some spanish he learned from watching Handy Manny. Speaking of Handy Manny....yesterday he watched as daddy "tripped" over the threshhold 'tween our bedroom & our bathroom. It came off & he said; "uh-oh! Handy Manny, tools!" It was too funny!
Luke is learning to pull himself up now. He's really good at pulling up onto his knees...but yesterday he pulled up to his feet a couple of times. It won't be long now before he's walking. WOW!! Time flies! He also loves his big brother. He follows him around like there's no tomorrow.
My sweet & precious little angels!! I am truly blessed with/by these two wonderful little boys of mine.