Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I hate not knowing why I am completely exhausted all the time. I'm guessing most of it is due to the fact that I don't sleep well at night. It could have something to do w/the fact that I'm up til 11pm or later every night & that my internal clock goes off about 5:30am. Being addicted to certain shows & trying to stay awake thru them could be part of it as well. Then, Luke still nursing some thru the night contributes to it as well. I'm sure all of the above contributes to it.
I know some of you as you are reading this & thinking...she still nurses Luke? Yes, yes I do. The doctors said it was/is fine. Luke hasn't really acquired the taste for real milk. Plus, everyone you talk to, etc; says that I should wean when he's ready...& he's not ready. Right now my goal is to try to wean him by his 2nd birthday...if he doesn't self-wean himself before then.
I hate the new policy of having to go into the DMV to get your license & not being able to do it online anymore. What a pain! Now I have to call & try to set up an appointment for next Friday after Carter's mom picks him up. UGH!!! I hope that Wayne's parents can get here before or right at the same time as her so I can go right away. I hate that I have to do it on a Friday afternoon(messes w/my soap opera
Sadly, I think it's getting close to being time to put my Angel down. A few weeks ago, I had to take her for her shots as well as get proof of her old age for Animal Control(someone called in on her for looking "bad"). The vet said she's old & has arthritis. She also said that she probably won't last another year. Sadly, I've seen her going further down hill since then. The poor baby has a hard time walking in the house but can run like mad out back. But she has lost control of her bowels...she has started pooping in her sleep now. I'm guessing this is a sign of the end being near. It will be a sad, sad day for me when it comes. She is the 1st dog I've ever had that took to me over anyone else in the family. My Angel is so precious. I've been blessed in having her w/me these last 14 years. Without her, I don't think I would've gotten thru the "mourning" period after my mom passed away. My Angel was there for me to love & hug on & tell all my feelings, etc.
Well I better close for now. It's almost time for Carter to be picked up & Luke istelling me I'm all done & to come on.