We went to Little Blessings at dad's church. Matthew had fun. He actually went over on his own to get whatever item was needed for the activity; as well as put it away when told to do so. His behavior amazed PaPa & Ninnie as well as mommy.
Have to laugh....the other day, dad & Hazel came over. Matthew was very set on getting the hand sanitizer. Dad thinks it's very abnormal for a child his age to be so into hygiene. Matthew loves to wash his hands, use hand sanitizer, etc, etc.
I pulled a dress-a-like thing today w/the boys. Matthew has 2 identical shirts(same sizes as well) & 2 pairs of shorts(2 sizes). I dressed them both in them. It was too cute!! I hope to get a picture of them before the day is over. Yes, they can pretty much wear the same sizes now...lol.
Today is the first day I've left the house "alone" since all the break-in attempts. Praise the Lord...He kept it safe while we were gone. I feel a little better now about being able to run out every once in a while....I probably still won't do as much running as I used to do.
I love my little men! They are such a blessing! I especially love when they wrap their arms around my neck & give me their biggest bear hug. And the kisses!! These little actions melt my heart!! I praise the Lord each & every day for my darling , little boys!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Just went over about 36 flashcards w/Matthew. Out of those, by sight he knew what 26 were but could say all 36. TOO COOL!!!
I'm starting "school" w/him next week. I've tried before but have gotten lazy in it. BUT, I will try again. I figure we'll concentrate on a letter of the alphabet every 2 weeks....that way after a year he's covered the whole alphabet. Just hope I can keep myself focused on doing it. Better since as of now I plan on home schooling both boys.
I'm starting "school" w/him next week. I've tried before but have gotten lazy in it. BUT, I will try again. I figure we'll concentrate on a letter of the alphabet every 2 weeks....that way after a year he's covered the whole alphabet. Just hope I can keep myself focused on doing it. Better since as of now I plan on home schooling both boys.

My little boys are such precious angels!! They are growing so fast. Luke can actually now wear some of his big brother's clothes....WOW!!!
Matthew is talking up a storm...new words daily...even some spanish he learned from watching Handy Manny. Speaking of Handy Manny....yesterday he watched as daddy "tripped" over the threshhold 'tween our bedroom & our bathroom. It came off & he said; "uh-oh! Handy Manny, tools!" It was too funny!
Luke is learning to pull himself up now. He's really good at pulling up onto his knees...but yesterday he pulled up to his feet a couple of times. It won't be long now before he's walking. WOW!! Time flies! He also loves his big brother. He follows him around like there's no tomorrow.
My sweet & precious little angels!! I am truly blessed with/by these two wonderful little boys of mine.
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