Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Blues!!!

Well other than being alive(& having my family), I had absolutely nothing to be thankful about yesterday.
Matthew & I are both still sick. Wayne just has a cough here & there. All I wanted to do was rest BUT nope that didn't happen.
Wayne had said that if we were still sick on Thanksgiving day, that we would stay home. Guess he meant if he was still sick....cuz we still went, even though Matthew & I were both still sick.
I think if I could've rested the whole day I might be even better than I am.....I felt really good this morning when I got up...that is 'til I got out in the cold weather & it made me feel worse.....& now as the day has progressed I've slowly gone "down-hill".
Well better close for today.....almost time to go home from work.
Hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 21, 2008


We are all sick!! It started w/Wayne last week. He was almost over it, then yesterday it came back on him w/a vengeance. So now his is more like the flu instead of a cold. I started getting it 3 days ago & it is now apparent that I definitely am sick. In the beginning, we couldn't tell if it was a cold or sinus problems. And then last night, Matthew started getting it. He woke up w/a little cough this poor baby!!!
I still have not had the chance to upload Matthew's Halloween pics yet. One of these days it'll get done.....LOL!!!
The true "bummer" about us all being sick's our 6th wedding anniversary this Sunday. It doesn't look like we'll get to enjoy it at all.
Well better get back to

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I apologize for not blogging sooner. I still need to upload Matthew's Halloween pics to my computer at home so that I can upload them on here for all of you to see.
I honestly just have not felt like doing anything the last week & a half. I will try to do better as I draw near to the end of this pregnancy & after as well.
I had a doctor's appointment this morning. I passed my glucola test w/flying colors. Doctor said everything's looking good. We scheduled my c-section as well. So this little bundle of joy will be making his appearance on Thursday, January 15th. The surgery starts around 12:30pm...which is the same time Matthew's this one should be born right around the same time as his big brother.
As much as I love being pregnant(all the kicks etc), I am looking forward to being done as well. I'm at that point where I can't get comfortable anywhere(bed, work, etc). My big belly is just too heavy anymore....LOL!!!
Well better get ready to leave for the day. I will try to get the Halloween pics up soon!