Friday, February 12, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend 2009

We went to breakfast at Dune Deck. It's a little restaraunt right on the beach. We wanted to do something a little different w/the boys. Of course the weekend we decide to do this it's "cold" out. Oh well, we enjoyed it anyways!

End of Luke's B-day

For the rest of Luke's birthday, we took them to the zoo. Afterwards, we parked down by the airport & watched planes take off & land. The boys had a blast! The pics w/Wayne & Matthew walking next to a "bird" were funny. This white peacock followed us thru the whole zoo.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Once again, Matthew is sick. He has a cold. He had a fever on Sunday night to Monday morning. It broke after his first nap on Monday. Sunday & Monday night he did not rest at all. Both nights he may have slept 2 hours each night. Last night, however, he did sleep the entire night thru...Praise the Lord!!! BUT,now Matthew's snotty nose(that was clear) is no longer clear....eeeewwwweeee!!! If it doesn't clear up by tomorrow I guess we'll be making a trip to the doctor's office.
Luke is well(or at least I'm trying to keep him that way....preventitive He's walking around like he owns the place. It's funny to watch him....I'm glad I have the chance to be around for him during this stage of his life. I didn't realize how much I really missed of Matthew's first year by having to work.
A few days later....
Luke is sick now too. So are Wayne & I. UGH!!! I hate being sick!!